Icy fortress of solitude snapped by Antarctic survey

An ominous cloud rises over Superman's icy man cave, the Fortress of Solitude, perhaps indicating that Lex Luthor is up to his dastardly tricks again. Actually, it is completely natural, and nothing to do with supervillain antics. It is a lenticular cloud, which can be produced when air near the surface gets pushed upwards as it flows over peaks in the landscape, creating pressure waves. The clouds form at ...

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Amish Community Not Anti-Technology

Many outsiders assume the Amish reject all new technology. But that's not true. One Amish man in Lancaster County, Pa., checks his voicemail about four times a day. His shop is equipped with a propane-powered forklift, hydraulic-powered saws, cordless drills, and a refrigerated tank where milk from dairy cows is stored. The difference between Amish people and most other Americans is the deliberation that ta ...

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Climate change: The long reach

 By  Stephen Ornes Earth may face far warmer temperatures than previous estimates had indicated Earth is warming. Sea levels are rising. There’s more carbon in the air, and Arctic ice is melting faster than at any time in recorded history. Scientists who study the environment to better gauge Earth’s future climate now argue that these changes may not reverse for a very long time. Think millennia. People bur ...

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Preparing for mobile data growth and network congestion

By Joseph Zeto As part of supporting the massive global growth in mobile data subscribers and traffic, today’s mobile broadband networks must carry multiplay services that share radio access and core network resources, as well as support delay-sensitive, real-time services. Making it even more challenging is that all services have their own unique Quality of Service (QoS) specifications in terms of packet d ...

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Scientists to serve lab-made burger from cow cells

MARIA CHENG — AP Medical Writer          LONDON — For a hamburger that cost more than $300,000, you might expect fries and a shake too. But this is no ordinary burger. At a public tasting in London on Monday, scientists are prepared to serve up the first hamburger grown in a laboratory from stem cells of cattle. Mark Post, whose team at Maastricht University in the Netherlands developed the burger after fiv ...

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To create a robot with common sense, mimic a toddle

Why will your robot, Adam Z1, be a toddler? We are not trying to make a robot exactly like a 3-year-old. There is no toilet training involved! Our main goal is for him to engage in creative play like a young child. For example, if you ask him to "build me something I haven't seen before" using foam blocks, he would remember what he'd seen you see and then build something different. A smart 3-year-old can do ...

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Eye receptor transplant promises therapy for blindness

For the first time, the light-sensing cells found in the retina have been grown from scratch in the lab, and then successfully transplanted into the eyes of blind mice. The transplanted cells successfully matured and connected with nerves that transmit visual signals to the brain. The researchers say that if the procedure can be repeated with human stem cells, they believe they can cure most forms of blindn ...

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8 Cloud Computing Skills High In Demand Right Now

IT industry has evolved in to a very competitive world and complies with “Survival Of Fittest” theory. Here, the employees always have to keep up their ante with new skills. And mostly the industry keeps tabs on the ways to reduce costs, boost productivity and tap the power of complex datasets to gain market insight, and put it in nut shell, Cloud computing offers all this and more. As a result, IT professi ...

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