Indian Type of Secularism

By Ali Sukhanver The murder-story of Mohammad Akhlaq would never become stale; it would always remain a blob of shame and disgrace on the face of the so-called secular society of India. The people of India are very unfortunate that they mistakenly elected Mr. Modi as their Prime Minister whose identity in politics is nothing but religious extremism. Michael E. Miller of the Washington Post says in a recent ...

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US Should Apologize Not Only for Kunduz But for Her Faulty Foreign Policies

By Ishaal Zehra The US military has offered a series of shifting explanations for the bombing raid, from initially talking about “collateral damage” to now admitting, as Obama did in his call to MSF chef Joanne Liu that the strike was a mistake. The US President Barack Obama has called the president of Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) on October 7th to apologize for the bombing of an MSF hospital in northern ...

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Pakistan’s Evolving Security Paradigm and its Future Course

By Brig® Mehboob Qadir World War 2 ended with a horrible bang; Nagasaki and Hiroshima were wiped out of existence with nuclear bombs and the devastation was of catastrophic proportions likes of which, the world had never seen before and one earnestly wishes never does again. Millions of people were simply incinerated to charcoal, buildings evaporated and whole blocks leveled like houses of sand before a ste ...

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قندوز پر طالبان کا حملہ۔۔۔اصل کہانی

نغمہ حبیب افغانستان کے شمالی شہر قندوز پر اچانک طالبان نے حملہ کیا اور اس پر قبضہ کر لیا۔ اس سے پہلے طالبان نے جیل پر حملہ کیا اوررپورٹس کے مطابق پانچ سو قیدیوں کو چھڑا لیا یعنی اپنی طاقت میں براہ راست پانچ سو افراد کا اضافہ کیا اگر یہ کہا جائے کہ یہ حملہ اشرف غنی کی حکومت کے خلاف ایک سازش ہے تو شاید یہ غلط نہ ہو گا کیونکہ حالات و اقعات کے مطابق اس کے قوی امکانات موجود ہیں ۔اس حملے کو مبینہ طور پر ملا عبدال ...

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Russia’s Intervention in Syrian War

By Asif Haroon Raja Global war on terror was launched by the US under George Bush and its western allies to make the world peaceful but made a mess of everything. Today the world has become a dangerous place to live since no corner of the world is safe from terrorism. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Middle East (ME) as a whole and parts of North Africa have suffered the most and are still in the vortex of chaos. Ira ...

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Terrorism: India, Undermining Pak-Afghan Stability

By Sajjad Shaukat In the recent years, when the US-led NATO forces felt that they are failing in coping with the stiff resistance of the Taliban in Afghanistan, they started accusing Pak Army and country’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of supporting the Afghan Taliban. The high officials and media of their countries not only blamed Pakistan for cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan, but also presumed th ...

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What India loses by pushing Nepal into crisis

by Hannah Haegland @hhaegeland n 2006, a peace accord ended a civil war and Nepal began a new era as a secular, democratic republic. After eight years of political negotiation, over two weeks ago, Nepal announced its new constitution. It is a landmark document, a boon for South Asian democracy and pluralism, with provisions aimed at protecting minorities, including LGBT and Dalit communities. Like the initi ...

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Kashmir: The Pursuit of the Possible

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai Benjamin Franklin, a signer of the U.S. Declaration of Independence from Britain, and a man responsible for negotiating a treaty between the colonies and France, asked, “When will mankind be convinced and agree to settle their difficulties by arbitration?” Perhaps the simple answer to that is that it will occur when power is distributed among men in such a way that it cannot be abused ...

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