Baloch Culture Day

By Sajjad Shaukat Baloch Cultural Day is being celebrated on March 2 every year with the aim to highlight and promote the diversified and rich Balochi culture. This very day is being commemorated not only in various districts of the Balochistan province, but also throughout the country besides in Iran, Afghanistan, Dubai, Muscat, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and India. The Visionary Group of Gwadar, involved in de ...

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India’s Offensive-Defensive Doctrine

By Sajjad Shaukat Since the leader of the ruling party BJP Narendra Modi became Prime Minister of India, various developments like unprecedented rise of Hindu extremism, persecution of minorities, forced conversions of other religious minorities into Hindus, ban on beef and cow slaughter, inclusion of Hindu religious books in curriculum, creation of war-like situation with Pakistan, unprovoked firing at the ...

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کار لو ٹا گال کے پاکستان پر بے بنیاد الزامات

نغمہ حبیب پاکستان پچھلی کئی دہائیوں سے دہشت گردی اور دہشت گردوں کے خلاف برسر پیکارہے ایک فتنہ ختم ہوتا ہے تو دوسرا سر اٹھا تا ہے، روس سے جان چھوٹتی ہے تو امریکہ و بال جان بن جاتا ہے، روس افغان جنگ ختم ہو تی ہے تو امریکہ افغان جنگ شروع ہو جاتی ہے ۔ جنگ افغانستان میں اور تباہی پاکستان میں، طالبان، بے شمار قسم کے لشکر کبھی لشکر جھنگوی، کبھی سپاہِ صحابہ، مذہب کے نام پر کبھی بی ایل اے جیسی تنظیمیں علاقائی سیاست ...

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Afzal Guru: The Hero of Kashmir Movement

By Sajjad Shaukat The 9th of February 9 is being celebrated as the martyrdom anniversary of Muhammad Afzal Guru whom India secretly hanged and buried inside the Tihar jail complex on February 9, 2013. It triggered protests in Kashmir and widespread condemnations from various political and human rights organisations. Afzal Guru was convicted in 2001 Parliament attack case and awarded death sentence. Afzal ha ...

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کشمیر کا مسئلہ حل ہوئے بغیر برصغیر کا امن نا ممکن

نغمہ حبیب پاکستان اور بھارت کے درمیان اگر کشمیر کا مسئلہ حل ہو جائے تو برصغیر پاک و ہند کے امن کولاحق خطرات تقریباََ ختم ہو جائیں گے اور یہاں کے لوگ سکھ اور چین کا سانس لے سکیں گے۔ مسلمانوں کی انتھک محنت ، قربانیوں اور قائداعظم محمد علی جناح کی شاندار قیادت و سیاست کے نتیجے میں انگریز کو ہندوستان چھوڑ کر جانا پڑا اور برصغیر میں ایک نیا ملک پاکستان معرض وجود میں آگیا اور بھارت کو بھی انگریز سے آزادی مل گئی۔ ...

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We are the problem and none else

By Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan suffers from multiple ailments. None care to carry out an appraisal as to what is wrong with Pakistan and why Pakistan is perpetually sick and not getting cured. Over a period of time, we seem to have lost our direction and have gone astray. The society as a whole is sunk in the pool of moral degeneration. High morals, principles, ethics, values, respect, brotherhood, affections ...

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The Last Option: Who Can Use Weapons of Mass Destructions?

By Sajjad Shaukat With the acceleration of the different war between the sovereign and non-sovereign entities, dangers are looming that by availing the vicious phenomena of global terrorism, any entity can use Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) inside the US and Europe or any western country to obtain its selfish interests. This is the area of very sensitive nature. Therefore, we need caution to reach the c ...

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New Days for Balochistan

By Ali Sukhanver The asylum application filed by Nawab Akbar Bugti’s grandson Brahamdagh Bugti has been rejected by the Swiss immigration authorities. This rejection was on the basis of Pakistan’s decision of declaring him a terrorist. Pakistan had declared Brahamdagh Bugti-led Baloch Republican Party BRP as a terrorist organization. It is something very positive on the part of the Swiss government that it ...

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