Split in TTP on Negotiation Issue

By Zaheerul Hassan  As results of elections 2013, formulation of newly elected governments has almost been completed. Political and military leaderships under the constitution of Pakistan believe in peace process with Taliban. In this regard, PML (N) and PTI have promised in their election campaigns that both parties will carry out negotiations with local Taliban for establishing of peace. But ambitions of ...

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TTP is still a potent threat

Asif Haroon Raja Jihadis who had taken part in Afghan Jihad against the Soviet forces were from Pakistan, mostly from FATA and settled areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). Jihadis from Arab, African and Central Asian countries refused to return back to their countries of origin after the successful culmination of Jihad since they were not welcomed back. The US and Saudi Arabia that had collected them and used ...

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Need for dialogue with militants

By Asif Haroon Raja War against the Soviets produced Jihadis in Pakistan. Most of the Jihadis who took part in Afghan Jihad were from FATA and some parts of settled areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) like Malakand. Since Jihadis came from other Muslim countries as well, camaraderie developed among them. A small force of about 500-700 from Saudi Arabia under Osama bin Laden supported by CIA also took active pa ...

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Indian plot to detach East Pakistan

 Asif Haroon Raja From the book by Basant Chaterjee (Inside Bangladesh Today) we now know that Pundit Nehru had been scheming since August 1947 to reclaim East Bengal and to make it an integral part of Indian Union. Current Bangladesh PM and daughter of late Mujib, Sheikh Hasina Wajid claimed, as reported on 8 March 2010, that Mujib planned separation from Pakistan in 1969 in London. Somehow she didn't make ...

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US Double Standards in GWOT Proved

By Zaheerul Hassan Reportedly, in an early morning of 29 May 2013, a U.S. Drone Strike killed four men in Pakistani Tribal area near North Waziristan. According to Pakistani officials, one of those killed in the strike was Wali ur Rehman, the number two commander of Pakistani Taliban but known as a rival to the leader of the TTP, Hakimullah Mehsud. According to the reliable sources, Wali ur Rehman was consi ...

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You Tube Playing whose Agenda

By Zaheerul Hassan IT growth of the current era has edge over rest of development since progress further without internet in this technical age is impossible. The interface of the YouTube website is available in 54 different language versions, including Catalan and Slovene, which do not have local channel versions but overall, it has become the important tool of social media network and the Internet. One of ...

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Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline Project & other agreements to be pursued, FO

Pakistan’s foreign policy will not change with Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) coming into power and all agreements signed by the former government, including Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project, will be pursued, Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani declared on Friday. Addressing a weekly press briefing along with Pakistan ambassador to China Khalid Masood, Jilani said that Pakistan was facing worst ene ...

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US President Barack Obama’s speech at National Defense University

Posted By Zaheerul Hassan It's an honor to return to the National Defense University. Here, at Fort McNair, Americans have served in uniform since 1791– standing guard in the early days of the Republic, and contemplating the future of warfare here in the 21st century. For over two centuries, the United States has been bound together by founding documents that defined who we are as Americans, and served as o ...

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