India:Supreme Court Issues Contempt Notice To Former Supreme Court Judge Markandey Katju

By Balbir Singh Sooch In a dramatic development, the Supreme Court of India has issued a contempt notice to former apex court judge Markandey Katju. The contempt notice was issued for a blog he had written criticising judges. Justice Katju was in the Supreme Court to present his argument on why a three-judge bench was wrong on the Soumya murder case verdict. Legal experts have noted that this is first time ...

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Balwant Singh Rajoana On Indefinite Fast Shifted From The Central Jail to Government Medical College and Rajindra Hospital, Patiala

October 25, 2016 To The Registrar, Supreme Court of India, Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110 201 (India) Subject: Law in Theory and Practice: Both Way Discretionary in India? Why? By: Balbir Singh Sooch* The way Learned Judges has to say honestly interpreting Law within the constitution of India, the conclusion from the conclusions of their Judgments, can safely be drawn and inferred that the La ...

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US-led Cabal to Raze the Muslim Unity

By Sajjad Shaukat By acting upon the old policy of divide and rule, US-led cabal of Israel and India are razing the Muslim unity to obtain their secret designs against the Islamic World. As part of the double game, secret agencies agencies-American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad are using various terrorist outfits such as the Islamic State group (Also known as Daesh, ISIS, ISIL), Al-Qaeda, Tehreek-e-Tal ...

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Jammu Martyrs Day

By Sajjad Shaukat This time Jammu Martyrs Day has come at time when the people of Kashmir have accelerated their legitimate struggle in the aftermath of the martyrdom of the young Kashmir leader Burhan Wani by the Indian security forces in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) in wake of continued sieges and prolonged curfew. Since July 8, 2016, Indian forces have martyred more than 100 innocent persons who hav ...

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Political temperature has cooled down

By Asif Haroon Raja The political temperature that had begun to boil from 28 October onward became menacing on the following three days, but mercifully it scaled down dramatically on the evening of November 01 after Imran Khan (IK) decided to call off his much hyped foray into Islamabad (Isbd) on November 2. IK led PTI had been drumming up the Panama papers scandal since April 2016 and straining their lungs ...

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یہ ہے بھارت زرخرید نائلہ قادری

نغمہ حبیب بھارت کو لگام دینے والا کیا کوئی نہیں یا دنیا نے آنکھیں بند کی ہوئی ہیں وہاں سے مسلسل پاکستان کے معاملات میں مداخلت کی جا رہی ہے اور علیٰ الاعلان کی جا رہی ہے کبھی ان کا وزیراعظم بڑے دھڑلے سے مشرقی پاکستان کی علحدگی کو اپنا کار نامہ کہتا ہے کبھی کھلم کھلا بلوچوں کی مدد کا اعلان کرتا ہے۔ بھارت اپنی دہشت گرد ہندو ذہنیت سے ہمیشہ مجبور رہا ہے چاہے کانگریسی اندراگاندھی ہو یا بی جے پی کا مودی سب کا ایجن ...

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Long arm of needs ISI unsheathing

By Asif Haroon Raja The ISI had developed its long arm capability during the tenures of Gen Akhtar Abdur Rehman, Lt Gen Hamid Gul and Lt Gen Javed Nasir as DG ISI. It was owing to this capability of hitting the chosen target outside the frontiers of Pakistan that the ISI earned the reputation of a dreaded outfit and the best in Asia. The long arm began to shrivel when Benazir Bhutto was PM from 1988 to 1990 ...

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Who are Sabotaging Pak-Afghan Relations?

By Sajjad ShaukatWaging a prolonged war in Afghanistan, the US and other NATO countries have realized that after the withdrawal of foreign troops, Afghanistan would be thrown in an era of uncertainly and civil war. They realize the fact that there is a co-relationship of terrorism or stability in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Therefore, US-led developed nations which also spent billions of dollars for the devel ...

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