New Days for Balochistan

By Ali Sukhanver The asylum application filed by Nawab Akbar Bugti’s grandson Brahamdagh Bugti has been rejected by the Swiss immigration authorities. This rejection was on the basis of Pakistan’s decision of declaring him a terrorist. Pakistan had declared Brahamdagh Bugti-led Baloch Republican Party BRP as a terrorist organization. It is something very positive on the part of the Swiss government that it ...

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جوان مقبرے

نغمہ حبیب آج پھر پاکستان کا پرچم سرنگوں رہا غمگین اور اُداس کہ ٓاج چارسدہ میں اس کے بچے خون میں نہلا دیے گئے تھے جوان گھبرو بچے۔وہ جوان جنہوں نے صرف چند ماہ بعد بہت سارے میدان سنھبالنے تھے عملی زندگی میں آنا تھا، سائنس،انتظامیہ،ادب اور بہت سارے دوسرے میدان مارنے تھے وہ مار دیے گئے اور ساتھ ہی بہت سی اُمیدیں بھی مار دی گئی۔ اس سے صرف ایک دن پہلے حیات آباد میں دس افراد ایسی ہی بر بریت کا شکا ہو ئے،ننھا شاہ زی ...

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Significance of Resolving Saudi-Iran Conflict

By Zaheerul Hassan History of strained relationship between two oil producing countries Kingdome of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Iran is too old. The major causes of continuous deteriorating relationship are based on sectarianism, differences in ideology, variation in economic, political, military interests, controlling Gulf and unannounced desires of attaining regional domination. Proxy war between Iran and KSA ...

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بھارت اپنی نیت اورلہجہ درست کر لے

نغمہ حبیب بھارت کے وزیر دفاع منوہر پاریکر نے دھمکی دی ہے کہ اب بھارت کے صبر کا پیمانہ لبریز ہو چکا ہے یعنی بھارت نے بہت جلد ہی اپنی اصلیت کی طرف دوبارہ پلٹا کھا لیاہے پاریکر نے یہ بھی کہا ہے کہ پاکستان کی تحقیقاتی ٹیم کو پٹھان کوٹ ایئر بیس میں داخل نہیں ہونے دیا جائے گا، انہوں نے یہ بھی دھمکی دی کہ ایک سال کے اندر کچھ بھی ہو سکتا ہے۔ حالانکہ انہوں نے چند دنوں میں بہت کچھ کر دیا یعنی دہلی میں پی آئی اے کے دف ...

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Sikh Council on Religion and Education

Press Release [caption id="attachment_2502" align="alignright" width="409"] Grieved Family of Sikh[/caption] Obama's Representative Reassures Sikhs in America Washington, January 11, 2015: Melissa Rogers, Special Assistant to President Barack Obama and head of the Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships office of the White House, delivered a message of reassurance from the U.S. President to the ...

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Who Attacked Pathankot Air Base

By Zaheerul Hassan Six suspected terrorists in Indian Army uniform attacked Pathankot Air Base early morning on the second [caption id="attachment_13989" align="alignright" width="315"] Pathankot: An armored vehicle moves near the Indian Air Force base that was attacked by militants in Pathankot, Punjab on Saturday.[/caption] day of the year 2016. It is MiG-21 Bison base of the Indian Air Force and located ...

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47 Terrorists Beheading is internal issue of Saudi Arabia

By Zaheerul Hassan According to Saudi Arabian officials of Interior Ministry expressed that 47 terrorists have been executed today for terrorism. The prominent Shia Muslim cleric Nimr al-Nimrits, is amongst executed people. These all individuals were Saudi citizens. According to the sources all of those executed were involved in a series of attacks carried out by al-Qaeda from 2003-06. Earlier, Iran has war ...

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Question of Plebiscite in Kashmir

By Sajjad Shaukat Every year, January 5 is celebrated in remembrance of the pledges of the UNO which had guaranteed the right of self-determination to the Kashmiri people through plebiscite, while these people have been living under Indian occupation for the last six decades. During the partition of the Sub-continent, the people of the State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) which comprised Muslim majority dec ...

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