An unbridgeable chasm between patriotic and disloyal

By Zaheerul Hassan Progress on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is on its fast track since 17 September and first phase of the project is likely to be completed by the end of 2017. However, the CPEC is a 15 year project between Pakistan and China spanning 2015-2030, while the Western route has to be completed by 2018. This Western route starts from Gwadar and leads to Kashgar in China passing through ...

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Be Sincere to Balochistan

By Ali Sukhanver Issues and problems could never be settled down unless we honestly and sincerely try to resolve them. Terrorism is also one of such problems in Pakistan. For the last many years this menace had been pinching the whole of Pakistani nation like a poisonous thorn; now under the command of Gen. Raheel Sharif, all of our security forces have joined hands together to curb this monstrous evil. The ...

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Who Planned Barbarism in Paris

By Zaheerul Hassan Over 129 killed and more than 350 wounded as a result of barbaric act of eight terrorists in Paris on, 13th November 2015. The suicide bombers and Gunmen attacked busy restaurants, bars and a concert hall at different locations around Paris. President Francois Hollande was also witnessing the football match when Paris was struck with an unprecedented terrorist attack. France declares ‘we ...

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گروہ نا دانشوراں کچھ بھی کہے۔۔۔اقبال پھر بھی اقبال ہی رہے گا

نغمہ حبیب بر صغیر کے مسلمانوں پر جن چند شخصیات کا حقیقتاََ احسان ہے ان میں سے علامہ اقبال ایک قد آور شخصیت ہیں اور درحقیقت قوم کو ایک راہ راست پر ڈالنے میں اقبال کی فکر نے اہم ترین کردار ادا کیا۔ اقبال کے اس احسان میں آج تک کسی کو شک نہیں رہا لیکن معلوم نہیں ہم نان ایشوز کو ایشوز کیوں بنا لیتے ہیں اس بار ہم نے اپنے اس محسن کے ساتھ کچھ اچھا سلوک نہیں کیا اور اس کے یوم پیدائش کو ایک مذاق بنا کر رکھ دیا اور چھ ...

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برطانیہ میں مودی کے خلاف احتجاج ۔۔۔بھارت کا اصل چہرہ

نغمہ حبیب بھارتی وزیراعظم نریندرا مودی پندرہ اور سولہ نومبر کو ترکی میں جی ٹو او کے اجلاس میں شرکت کے لیے جائیں گے لیکن اس سے پہلے بارہ سے چودہ نومبر تک برطانیہ کا دورہ کریں گے۔ پچھلی ایک دہائی میں یہ کسی بھارتی وزیراعظم کا پہلا دورۂ برطانیہ ہے۔ اس دورے کی دعوت برطانوی وزیراعظم ڈیوڈ کیمرون نے مودی کے انتخاب کے بعد جلد ہی دی تھی جسے برطانیہ میں بزنس ڈیل قرار دیا گیا اور اسے خاصا ناپسند کیا گیا اور شاید یہی و ...

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A Killer in UK

By Ali Sukhanver For the Indian Prime Minister Modi, his ongoing visit to UK is not going to be a very pleasant one as reports say that this visit seems controversial among some elements of the Indian community. A spokesman of the Sikh Human Rights Group said talking to the media, “Modi wants to sell the idea of a ‘Digital India’, a ‘Clean India’ and a ‘developed and self-sufficient India.’ The reality is t ...

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Deliberately Stoked Chaos in Middle East

By Asif Haroon Raja Few can deny the fact that the US allied with the west create problems for the world such as drug trafficking, human rights violations, defiance of international laws and the UN. It stokes religious extremism, creates monster of terrorism, initiate promote proxy wars and then make hue and cry and exert pressure on the international community to defeat and kill these problems. Afghanistan ...

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October 27: Reminder of Kashmir Black Day

By Sajjad Shaukat Although 27th of October is celebrated every year as the “Black Day” by the Pakistanis and the Kashmiris all over the world as a protest against Indian illegal occupation of Kashmir on October 27, 1947, yet the issue is still alive due to continued struggle of the Kashmiri people. During the partition of the Sub-continent, the people of the state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) which compri ...

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