Contrasting picture of military and politicians

By Asif Haroon Raja On one hand the officers and men of Army shed their blood to safeguard the motherland; on the other the politicians having sold their souls barter away national interests. Who cares about sovereignty which is already bruised, honor already rolling in dust, as long as Uncle Sam promises to open the tap and cash flows in and that too in grant? This contrast has been there right from incept ...

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Roots of Arab-Israeli conflict

 By Asif Haroon Raja To cast Muslims as the ‘enemy’ of Jews is distortion of history. Judaism resembles Islam in theology, structure and rituals far more than with Christianity. Historically, the Muslims treated the Jews fairly and humanely. Unlike in Europe where the Jews were hounded and ruthlessly persecuted, the Muslim rulers didn’t consider the Jews as infidels and were not proselytized.  The Jews live ...

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USA: Serving the People of Pakistan

 By Ali Sukhanver  One of my favourite questions I ask my people is, “Are you against the Aman Ki Asha?” Every time, I get the same answer wrapped up in astonishing bewilderment, “Who says we are against the Aman Ki Asha? But favouring Aman Ki Asha does not mean selling our ego, self-respect and our basic human rights to India. The desire of peace is appreciable but not at the cost of ones existence and at ...

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Israeli barbarism continue unabated

By Asif  Haroon Raja West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem are under illegal military occupation of Israel for the last 47 years. When Hamas won elections in 2003, Israel refused to recognize the election results. The US and the West backed Israeli stance and jointly declared Hamas a terrorist outfit. Israel then created rift between Fatah Party led by Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas. Consequently, Abbas led Fatah fo ...

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India’s Nuclear Threat or Political Suicide

      By Sajjad Shaukat In his interview to an Indian TV channel, leader of the fundamentalist BJP-led ruling party Dr. Subramaniam Swamy, a staunch promoter of Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) said on July 12, this year that India needed only two years to defeat Pakistan militarily, and it would not shy away from a nuclear war because ultimately there would be no Pakistan left. He elaborated, “May be 100 milli ...

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Israeli atrocities against Gazans need to be halt

By Zaheerul Hassan In last six days, Israeli aircrafts in 105 airstrikes killed more than 135 Gazans including 29 children and women. Most of killed and injured person were observing the fasts of Ramadan and offering their prayers in mosques and homes when they were hit by Israeli Air Force. During these ruthless attacks a complete family of six members has become victim of Israeli state terrorism, when a m ...

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Ramifications of disintegration of Iraq and Syria

By  Asif Haroon Raja Commotion in the Middle East from 2003 onwards didn’t occur accidently but it up surged systematically in line with the US-Israeli-Western plan of splitting powerful Arab and North African States into small quasi-States, changing the boundaries of Middle East and then paving the way for establishment of Greater Israel stretching from River Nile to Euphrates and in total control of oil, ...

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How Kashmir Issue can be resolved?

By Zaheerul Hassan India always refused to accept third party intervention for the resolution of Kashmir issue since she doesn’t believe in reasons Recently, soon after the publication of the news quoting Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif as saying that he had, in 1999, sought US role in resolving the lingering issue, the Indian leadership immediately responded that New Delhi Pakistani Prime Minister statement is ...

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