Is Pak-US Relationship Eyewash?

 By Sajjad Shaukat  At this critical hour when Pakistan’s internal and external crises have intensified, the visit of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to the United States and meeting with the President Barack Obama at the White House on October 23, this year is of great significance in wake of rapidly changing scenario in this region. In the recent years, Pak-US ties have passed through various ups and downs, a ...

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Saudi Arabia- Iran Rivalry in Afghanistan

By Abu Ezaan Halford Mackinder's concepts have assumed classic status in the world of political geography today. One of the most significant ideas of Mackinder, which is often referred to, states that control of Eastern Europe would bring command of the ‘Heartland,’ thus control of the ‘World-Island’ (Eurasia), and ultimately the ‘World’. The South Asia, particularly Pakistan and Afghanistan being part of t ...

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Pakistan’s apologetic stance proving costly

By Asif Haroon Raja Nawaz Sharif addressed the UN Assembly on 27th and in that he jogged the memory of the UNSC by reminding it of its responsibility to resolve the 66 year old Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN resolutions. He also called upon the international community to play its due role for the realization of the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people and let them decide their futur ...

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Appeasement taken as sign of docility

Asif Haroon Raja Nawaz Sharif addressed the UN Assembly on 27th and in that he jogged the memory of the UNSC by reminding it of its responsibility to resolve the 66 year old Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN resolutions. He also called upon the international community to play its due role for the realization of the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people and let them decide their future t ...

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Brlilleint Sikh Lady: Dr.Kamaljeet Kaur Sooch

By Zaheerul Hassan Qualified under the supervision and guidance of Dr. (Mrs) Harpal Kaur Khera, Deptt. Of Law, Pbi. University, Patiala (the most tough, honest, sincere, brilliant and friendly superviosr  for her students noticed by our family is among rare such teachers, assistant professors and Doctor of Philosophy in education field, were and are in our life). Education loving Soch family always BOWS the ...

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Incumbent government should redouble its efforts

Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan was dumped by USA in 1989 after its objectives were achieved in Afghanistan. However, despite cold shouldering by USA, Pakistan’s status in the Muslim world in particular and international community in general had shot up very high because the miracle of the 20th century could not have been achieved without all out support of Pakistan to the Mujahideen. Pakistan was not totally dis ...

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USA made Pakistan epicenter of terrorism

By Asif Haroon Raja The US leaders and media often cite Pakistan as the epicentre of terrorism. If it is true, it didn’t attain this status at its own. Outsiders are responsible for making Pakistan epicenter of terrorism and the most dangerous country. Ironically, the ones responsible for converting a law abiding and peaceful country into a volatile country are today in the forefront censuring it. Till the ...

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South Asian Peace linked to Kashmir Issue

 By Zaheerul Hassan Since couple of decades, South Asian masses are undergoing various types of troubles starting from poverty to interstate conflicts. Instead, alleviating the life of poor people   and respecting their rights, the countries’ interests mainly revolve around; piling up of arms, hegemonic desires of controlling natural resources and achieving regional domination. Moreover, major regional coun ...

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