Targeted operation in Karachi

  By      Mohammad Jamil         In the cabinet meeting held in Karachi on Wednesday, the government decided to launch operation in Karachi. Earlier, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had consultations for two days with all the stakeholders including political parties, media, business community and members of civil society. There was almost consensus on targeted action against terrorists‚ target killers‚ kidnappe ...

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Should Ban Continue on YouTube?

By Sajjad Shaukat  With the rapid development of science, range of the TV channels has extended to many countries. But social media networking websites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc. which are being communicated through the internet search engines have become more popular in the world. Even in a developing country like Pakistan, the number of internet users is constantly on the rise. According to an e ...

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Defense Day: India’s Aggression Continues

   By Sajjad Shaukat The 6th of September is celebrated every year as the Defense Day by every Pakistani. The day holds a significant place in the history of our nation, as on this very day, Pakistan’s courageous armed forces and the entire nation stood united in 1965 for the defence of the homeland in thwarting the nefarious designs of the enemy which had threatened the territorial integrity of our beloved ...

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Heavy US arms aids India & Israel

Shumaila Raja The all time high increase in the US military aid to its strategic partners in Asia like India, Israel and for example Philippines and the massive hike in the defense budgets of these countries indicate towards a new push to the superpower designs in the Indian ocean region, as well as part of the new world order ahead of presidential elections in the United States of America. Pakistan amongst ...

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Consolidated home front is the best defence

Asif Haroon Raja In South Asia no country other than India has aggressive designs, or is holding other’s territory illegally, or having border dispute, or is fomenting trouble through covert means, or resorting to water terrorism in neighboring countries. All South Asian countries other than India being economically very poor do not have the means to undertake such expensive and destructive pursuits. On the ...

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India’s expansionism and Hindu terrorism

India is the largest country in South Asia and its leaders never tire of boasting that India is the super power of the region and a potential world power. Indira doctrine advocated India’s unrestricted influence over the whole region. India is past master in covert operations and propaganda war and habitually resorts to intrigues, economic coercion and blackmail. It never shies of threatening to use militar ...

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Dialogue with the Taliban Needs Caution

By Sajjad Shaukat  The government of the Pakistan Muslim League (N) led by the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is determined to have peace dialogue with the Taliban, especially Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) which has continued its subversive acts before, during and after the general elections 2013. On the other hand, while accepting the offer, the TTP spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid has recommended that the ...

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Iranian Nuclear Breakout

By Ahmed Khan In replies to my tweets, Mark Fitzpatrick Director at International Institute of Strategic Studies for Nonproliferation and Disarmament program said about Iran nuclear 'break-out capability' that "if trend continues, break-out capability by mid-2014 can be extended by enrichment limits." In his next reply he bet that 2 years are good enough to cross the enrichment limit. Now the questions aris ...

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