Sikhs Face Miscarriage Of Justice This Vaisakhi!

  UNITED SIKHS extends blessings and good wishes to the community during this auspicious time of Vaisakhi. On this Vaisakhi, we pledge to protect your rights. Whereas we wish prosperity and peace for all on the pious occasion of Vaisakhi, it also serves as reminder of the challenges that the Khalsa Panth faces today. On this joyous occasion of Vaisakhi, the Sikh community worldwide couldn't expect news wors ...

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Army’s Progressive Role in Balochistan

By Sajjad Shaukat In the recent past, Supreme Court, federal and provincial governments were taking serious notice of the deteriorating law and order situation of the Balochistan province. While taking advantage of the phenomena, in connivance with the Baloch separatist leaders who have taken refuge in Swizerland, Sweden, US, London and some other western countries, external hostile elements such as NGOs, h ...

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The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) will Eliminate the Corruption Indian Politics

By By Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch The Sikh Vichar Manch did agree with Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) as to how and the way the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) planned to arrange Election Expenses moderately, though it is a difficult task in the manner to face the corrupt nexus of politics-related parties in India. No-doubt, donations are must for a political party, but the expenses should not be for meant to corrupt ...

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Pakistan cannot further curtail defence budget

 By Asif Haroon Raja An influential lobby in Pakistan at the behest of detractors of Pakistan has all along been critical of armed forces and its defence expenditure. It sells a mischievous misperception that but for 60% of national budget getting consumed in defence; Pakistan would have become a prosperous state. Maulana Fazlur Rahman alleged that ‘one day’s Army budget is the combined annual budget of edu ...

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Pakistan: The Ongoing Political Process

By  PROFESSOR ALI SUKHANVER  The General Elections 2013 shall give a new colour to the history of Pakistan. Now-a-days one could feel a great hustle and bustle among all political sections of society in Pakistan because it is the very first time that a politically elected democratic government successfully completed its tenure. The results of the upcoming elections would show, up to what level, the previous ...

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Pakistan won’t abandon Hafiz Saeed ?

By Hussain Nadim "Sooner or later the Americans are going to leave the region. The problem isn't that they will just leave, but that they might abandon the region altogether. That will leave us alone with these thousands of militants to deal with without any international support" This bold statement about Pakistan's militancy problem was given to me by a recently retired military officer in the Pakistan Ar ...

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Bangladesh Awards at the Cost of Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat With the acceleration of propaganda campaign by the external elements against Pakistan and its army, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajid who has pro-Indian tilt has also been maligning Pak Army. Unfortunately, some prominent persons of our country also speak in the tone foreign anti-Pakistan entities. In this regard, unlike the past years, this time a ceremony was held in Dhaka ...

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Footprints of India in Balochistan and Karachi

Asif Haroon Raja Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had nurtured the dream of independent Bengal from early days. He and his henchmen got in touch with Indian intelligence agencies and during one of the meetings in Agartala in November 1963, finalized the plan to detach East Pakistan from rest of Pakistan. Under the garb of remedying political and economic grievances of East Pakistan, he formulated six points formula an ...

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