Is collective conscience of Indians uniting to pardon Sanjay Dut?

By Balbir Singh Sooch Or; The mindset is troubling as the facts about the mindset are enshrined in the article, ‘Sanjay Dutt’s punishment & Hindutva mindset’. That 'Pardon won't be easy for Sanjay Dutt': WHY? Why not to satisfy the collective conscience of the society in case of Sanjay Dutt by pardoning him? There should not be any hitch and the restriction should also not come in the way to pardon Sanj ...

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Sanjay Dutt’s punishment & Hindutva mindset

By Zaheerul Hassan Supreme Court of India maintained Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt’s punishment and ordered to send him jail. Sanjay Dutt is a famous and well known name of Bollywood and he is in the list of superstars of Bollywood.   Actor has charge that he has some dealings with the criminal who was involved in Mumbai bomb blast on 12 March 1993. There were 12 bomb blasts from 1:33 PM to 2:40 PM which kill ...

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‘Follow’ the Essence of the Pakistan Resolution

By Sajjad Shaukat The 23rd of March 1940 was a watershed in the history of the Sub Continent, when All India Muslim League passed the Resolution in Lahore for the creation of an independent state. Now, it is popularly called as Pakistan Resolution. Earlier, in his address to the Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930, the idea of a homeland for Muslims in their majority areas had been envisioned by the poet All ...

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The Long Arm of International Law

By Pierre N. Leval In late 1945, the Allied victors of World War II established a military tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, which convicted Nazi leaders for their wartime atrocities. The animating principle of the trials was that conduct of extreme inhumanity violated the part of international law that protects fundamental human rights, which applies everywhere, even though the conduct was authorized by Germ ...

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Pakistan Navy will be handed over 4th F-22 P Frigate in April 2013

By Zaheerul Hassan Handing over two pusher tugs on Tuesday, Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KS&EW) is all set to deliver to Pakistan Navy the 4th F-22 P Frigate PNS ASLAT next month. Also, the KS&EW is constructing for Navy a fast attack missile craft and a 32-ton tug expected to be handed over as per contract schedule. The Navy has also signed a contract with KS&EW for construction of ...

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Pakistan no more taken for granted by USA

Asif Haroon Raja There is no denying the fact that Pakistan suffered from leadership crisis after the untimely death of Quaid-e-Azam in September 1948. All those who held the reins of power after Quaid and Liaquat Ali Khan were selfish, power hungry, morally weak and pro-American. With feet of clay, they failed to build Pakistan as a modern, progressive Islamic welfare state as envisioned by the founder lea ...

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Indian Designs to Destabilise South Asia

By Sajjad Shaukat Although peace and brinksmanship cannot co-exist in the modern era, yet India seeks to destabilise South Asia through its aggressive designs. In this regard, in its report, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) disclosed on March 20, 2012, “India is the world’s largest recipient of arms…India’s imports of major weapons increased by 38 percent between 2002-06 and 2007 ...

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“The Iran Nuclear Prevention Act” Same Old Stuff from AIPAC

By Philip Giraldi "Antiwar"  - The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has just completed its annual gala in Washington. A reported thirteen thousand AIPAC supporters reportedly cheered the latest efforts to make Israel America’s most favored nation. A small group of demonstrators was generally ignored though Scott McConnell reports that some protesters were spat upon by those filing in to cele ...

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