Sheikh Mujibur Rahman always vied for Bangladesh

 Asif Haroon Raja Late Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s six-point formula which amounted to East Pakistan’s secession had been made in India. Deaths of Maulvi Tamizuddin and Khawaja Nazimuddin in 1963 followed by death of Suhrawardy in 1964 were setbacks for Pakistan. These three Bengali leaders were a bridge between the peoples of two wings and had always believed in oneness of Pakistan and were against centrifugal ...

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Syria Warns Israel of ‘Surprise’ Retaliation

By Al Jazeera Syria has threatened to retaliate for an Israeli air attack while its ally Iran says there will be repercussions for Israel over the attack. Ali Abdul-Karim Ali, Syrian ambassador to Lebanon, said in Damascus on Thursday that Syria "has the option and the capacity to surprise in retaliation". Ali said he could not predict when Syria would retaliate. It was up to the relevant authorities to pre ...

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Solidarity with Kashmiris

By Sajjad Shaukat Since 1990, the 5th of February is being celebrated by Pakistanis and Kashmiris as ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ to pay homage to Kahsmiri martyrs and to show shared aims with the freedom fighters who are struggling against the Indian subjugation, demanding their legitimate right of self-determination as recognized by the UN resolutions. This special day also reminds the continued sacrifices of ...

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Revolution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

By Bruce Riedel Saudi Arabia is the world’s last absolute monarchy. Like Louis XIV, King Abdullah has complete authority to do as he likes. But while a revolution in Saudi Arabia is still not likely, the Arab Awakening has made one possible for the first time, and it could come in President Obama’s second term. Revolutionary change in the kingdom would be a disaster for American interests across the board. ...

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India’s Avaricious Eyes on Thar Coal Project

  By Sajjad Shaukat In the recent past, by showing a sense of great optimism for the peace of the region, Pakistan agreed with Indian old demand to strengthen the Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) in order to resolve the outstanding issues such as terrorism, Siachen, Sir Creek, Wullar Barrage and water including main dispute of Kashmir. As part of the CBMs, under the Aman Ki Asha initiative, recently reno ...

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Kashmir Solidarity Day: 5th February 2013

by Zaheerul Hassan All over the world Pakistani community will display unity and solidarity with Kashmiris on 5 February 2013.  Kashmir Solidarity Day is being observed on 5 Feb each year since 1990 in Pakistan as a day of protest against Indian Occupied Kashmir (IHK). The disputed state is located north of India. 139,000 Sq Km (53,700 Sq Mi) with population of over 10 million (2001) Kashmir state is bounde ...

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Mounting Political Temperature

Asif Haroon Raja So far it was intensely debated whether India or religious extremism cum terrorism was the existential threat to Pakistan’s security. It is now being said that the biggest threat is posed by the ruling coalition subservient to the wishes of Washington. In its near five-year tenure, the PPP led regime has left no stone unturned to destroy each and every institution of Pakistan and to bring b ...

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Pakistan-Iran pipeline

M. Umar Farooq Baloch The global energy resources have constantly been depleting. Taking the example of oil, 37% of the world energy need is met through oil and if oil production remains constant until it’s gone, there is only enough oil in the world to last 42 years. The energy crises in Pakistan has aggravated to the extent which has seriously affected the economy and growth besides paralyzing the routine ...

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