External Meddling in Internal Affairs

By Sajjad Shaukat As part of neo-imperialism, external meddling in the affairs of small countries by the powerful countries is owing to the unequal world order. When less developed countries reject the undue demands of the big powers, in the unipolar system, the US-led major states which have strong hold on the UN Security Council, and its financial institutes like IMF and World Bank use various tactics lik ...

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MQM- PAT marriage of convenience

Asif Haroon Raja The MQM averse to sitting on opposition benches has remained in power five times since 1985. Although the most dominant party in Karachi, its vote bank in Karachi never crossed the figure of 8 lacs but suddenly shot up to 25 lacs in 2008 elections. Consequently, its seats in Sindh and federal governments increased significantly. PPP-MQM alliance, although a marriage of convenience, has rema ...

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