Absence of an Islamic State & the Calamities in the Muslim World

By Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Living without a strategy No faith sustains with its conceptual originality, vision and mission in absence of its core institutions. In such deprivation, not only the faith but also those who are adherents to the faith face an existential threat. Communism ceased to survive as a significant ideology after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The collapse of Asoka’s rule brought an en ...

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Al-Qaeda vs Daish: A Deadly Propaganda War

By Iftikhar Hussain Jazib Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi and Daish have emerged from Al-Qaeda’s branch in Iraq but the violence and terror unleashed by them have even belittled Al-Qaeda and its affiliated terrorist outfits. Daish is extensively sharing videos of its crimes, atrocities and brutal executions to cast terror in the hearts of general masses in Iraq and Syria. Owing to the massive criticism on Daish’s exce ...

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Bloodshed of Muslims in Burma

            By Sajjad Shaukat With the official backing of the government, during the anti-Muslim riots, intermittent massacre of Muslims by Hindus has become a permanent feature of India. In the last few years, more than 3,000 unnamed graves of the innocent Muslims, found in mutilated forms were discovered in the various areas of the Indian occupied Kashmir. Notably, human rights groups have [caption id="a ...

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