جب بیٹی حیران کرتی ہے۔۔۔

ڈاکٹر شیر شاہ سید میری بیٹی نے مجھے دو دفعہ حیران کیا۔ پہلی دفعہ جب اس نے مجھے لندن سے فون کرکے بتایا کہ وہ لاہورسے آئے ہوئے اپنے ہم جماعت لڑکے کے ساتھ شادی کرنا چاہتی ہے اوروہ یہ بھی چاہتی ہے کہ اس کی ماں کومیں سمجھاؤں کیوں کہ اس کا خیال تھا کہ مجھے تو کوئی اعتراض نہیں ہوگا لیکن اس کی ماں اور نانی طوفان کھڑا کردیں گی۔ دوسری دفعہ اس وقت جب منگنی کے بعد شادی سے صرف تین ماہ قبل اس نے مجھے رشتہ ٹوٹ جانے کی خب ...

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Economic Progress of Pakistan: 1947-2018

By Sajjad Shaukat When Pakistan emerged as the independent state on August 14, 1947, the country inherited 20 percent of the subcontinent’s population. Pakistan’s share in industry was less than seven percent, mostly consisting of small-scale and minor industrial units. Pakistan had no large industry. Pakistan that included East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) as well had only 34 factories. The total employment p ...

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International Recognition of the Defense Production Capability of Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat Since May 28, 1998 when Pakistan became nuclear power, defence analysts had been opining that if a war erupted between India and Pakistan, the latter will be the first to use atomic weapons, as comparatively, it lacks conventional arms including their quality in modern terms. But, now, defence production capability of Pakistan has overcome this problem. Besides production, superiority of P ...

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Pakistan’s political dynamics

By Asif Haroon Raja Birth of Pakistan was seen as a miracle of 20th century. Its survival under extreme odds was indeed a bigger miracle. History depicts that Radcliffe award was critical in sowing the seeds of animosity among numerous communities and hence led to a bloody and violent partition. Kashmir was the unfinished agenda of the partition left behind by the British which has kept India and Pakistan p ...

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Written by Tahir Mehmood Shardi and Nardi, two mountain peaks, two enslaved fairies, are an integral part of the beautiful town of Sharda. Centuries ago they lived in Sharda peacefully and happily. The place was known for knowledge and learning. People travelled from across the mountains and valleys to satiate their thirst for knowledge. In those ancient times arrived a man from the world laid distantly acr ...

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Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan Day

By Sajjad Shaukat Preparations have started by Kashmiris living either side of the line of control and rest of the world to observe the Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan Day on July 19, this year. On this very day in 1947, the historical resolution was adopted by the by the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference in Abi Guzar, Srinagar during an emergency convention at the residence of Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim ...

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Democracy in Process

By Ali Sukhanver Hundreds of human rights victims, activists, diplomats, journalists and student leaders are invited to attend a summit which is organized on the eve of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s main annual session every year in the month of February. This summit is known as the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy. This Summit is sponsored by a coalition of 25 human rights NGOs from ...

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  Investment Opportunities in the Petrochemical Industry of Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat The Government of Pakistan and the concerned departments are providing friendly environment for investment opportunities in the petrochemical industry of Pakistan. As a result of various financial and structural reforms, the oil & gas sector has already emerged as one of the most attractive sectors for investment in the country. Such a policy for further development in the oil & ga ...

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