ہلمندپرفیصلہ کن جنگ کے منڈلاتے بادل

افغان حکومت اورحزبِ اسلامی کے معاہدے کے بعدپہلی مرتبہ حکمت یار باقاعدہ طورپرکابل آنے کی تیاریوں میں مصروف ہیں تاکہ وہاں بیٹھ کرآئندہ انتخابات میں حصہ لینے کیلئے اپنی سیاسی سرگرمیوں کاآغازکیاجاسکے جس کیلئے ان کی آمدسے قبل ان کی حفاظت کیلئے حزبِ اسلامی کے وفادارچارسوسے زائدکمانڈوزکی تربیت کاآغازکردیاگیاہے اوران میں سے ایک سو کمانڈوزحزبِ اسلامی کے سربراہ کی حفاظت کیلئےمامورہوں گے۔حزبِ اسلامی کے ماہراورپرانے فو ...

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Haunting Images of Kashmir

By Ali Sukhanver London based Indian writer Mirza Waheed very vehemently exposed the real face of the Indian atrocities in Kashmir in his article ‘India is blinding young Kashmiri protesters’. The article was published on 18th July 2016. He says, “Two sets of images have haunted me these last few days. One is a series of photos of people splashing bucket-loads of water to wash away blood from the streets of ...

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ڈیورنڈلائن اورتاریخی حقائق

نغمہ حبیب پاکستان اور افغانستان دو برادر ہمسایہ ممالک ہیں جو مذہبی، تاریخی اور جغرافیائی لحاظ سے جڑے ہوئے ہیں بلکہ ان کے نسلی تانے بانے بھی آپس میں ملتے ہیں اور لسانی مماثلت بھی موجود ہے ۔اِن تمام رشتوں ناطوں کے باوجود یہ دونوں اپنی جداگانہ حیثیت رکھتے ہیں اور الگ الگ اکائی کے طور پر موجود ہیں ۔ افغانستان اور پاکستان کے مابین سرحد تقریباََ ڈھائی ہزار کلومیٹر طویل ہے جو دونوں ممالک کی کسی دوسرے ملک سے طویل ت ...

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Role of USA-Israel-India in fomenting Islamic radicalism

By Asif Haroon Raja Non-resolution of Palestinian and Kashmir dispute gave rise to Islamic radicalism. After the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, the ten-year Iran-Iraq war ended inconclusively in 1988 but militarized and radicalized the two countries. Iraq under Saddam Hussain was supported by the two super powers, the west and the Arab world. While Iran completed its revolutionary cycle under Imam Khom ...

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Downfall of the Muslims: A Review (Part-2)

by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal The evils of kuffar occupation Every occupation has its terrible calamities. These are much worse than the effects of a disease on the physical health. A disease affects only the body. It doesn’t damage the spiritual entity; neither does harm the infinite life in the hereafter. But the kuffar-occupation of a country damages the moral, the spiritual and the intellectual wellbeing of ...

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The Muslims’ Downfall: A Review (Part 1)

by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal The treachery The several hundred years’ downhill course of the Muslims hasn’t ended yet. Rather, has gained new speed to take them to a new low. The ongoing deaths, rapes, destruction, occupation, and cleansing of the native Muslims[FK1] are setting new context for further decimation and humiliation of the Ummah. A new generation of Sykes and Picot (Sykes and Picot -the two inside ...

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Downfall of the Muslims: A Review (Part-3)

By  Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal The betrayal of the objective The early Muslims gained unprecedented successes. Their success were not confined in war fronts or civilisation-building. They achieved successes almost in all fields. They could add record speed to the spread of Islam. They made Muslims the most reckoned World Power within decades. They raised higher values, established rule of law and promoted equal ...

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