Absence of an Islamic State & the Calamities in the Muslim World

By Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Living without a strategy No faith sustains with its conceptual originality, vision and mission in absence of its core institutions. In such deprivation, not only the faith but also those who are adherents to the faith face an existential threat. Communism ceased to survive as a significant ideology after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The collapse of Asoka’s rule brought an en ...

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Don’t Politicise the Anti-Coronaviurs Campaign

By Sajjad Shaukat Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has almost enveloped the entire world. Up to April 13, 2020, globally, it killed more than 113,849 persons and infected 1.8 million people. As regards Pakistan, up to the same date, the number of coronavirus-deaths has reached the figure of 95, whereas the number of persons, affected by the virus is 5,478. Unlike Asia and Africa, this novel virus has badly a ...

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Coronavirus Pandemic: ‘Prevention is Better than Cure’

By Sajjad Shaukat Coronavirus pandemic also named as COVID-19 which is, rapidly, spreading across the world has killed more than 22,000 people and infected over 510,000 people despite lockdowns in many countries, especially Western states, putting over 1.3 billion in self-isolation. After affecting 200 countries, the disease is enveloping new territories. In Spain and Italy, more persons have died due to CO ...

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The Fall of Dhaka: P.M. Hasina Revives Blame Game against Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat Speaking at the inauguration of a four-day program of the International Mother Language Institute at Shegunbagicha in Dhaka on the occasion of Amar Ekushey and International Mother Language Day on February 21, this year, Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajid claimed that Sheikh Mujibur Rahmans had vision of Bangladesh in 1948 on the basis of Bengali language. At the same time, sh ...

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Corona Virus in China

By Asif Haroon Raja Outbreak of coronavirus in Wuhan Wuhan city, capital of Hubei Province in China with a population of 11 million people and one of the 10 largest cities in China, was suddenly struck by a deadly virus called Corona. 11 cities in the near vicinity of Wuhan got affected the most by the virus and have been closed. Death toll has soared to 490, with 24,300 infected by virus across China, and ...

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Exhibition in Brussels Displays Indian Atrocities in Kashmir

By Sajjad Shaukat One the one side, Indian atrocities continues unabated in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) against the innocent Kashmiris who are demanding their genuine right of liberation, while, on the other side, Kashmiris are continuously protesting against the brutal tactics of the Indian forces. In this regard, an exhibition of photographs from Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) was inaugurated at European ...

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Dirty role of International NGOs in Pakistan

By Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan has been a victim of wars, conflicts, diplomatic/political/economic coercion, subversion, sabotage, and false flag operations at the hands of India which to this day has not reconciled to its existence. India initiated injurious steps right from Pakistan’s inception to keep it politically destabilized and economically weak and dependent. To unroll Two-Nation theory, her first ta ...

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Saudi-Pakistan Maintaining Close Bilateral Relationship

By Sajjad Shaukat Having strong foundation, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are maintaining a close friendship with each other, which covers religious, strategic, military and economic interests of a great magnitude. People of Pakistan have a strong attachment to Islam. Hence, they enormously respect Saudi Arabia as origin of Islam, where two holiest cities Mecca and Medina are situated. Millions o ...

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