Israeli politicians clamber to congratulate victorious Obama

Politicians in Israel were falling over themselves on 7 November to congratulate Barack Obama on his re-election as United States president and reaffirm the strategic bonds between the two countries ahead of Israel's general election in January. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu led the plaudits, saying: "I will continue to work with President Obama to ensure the interests that are vital for the security of ...

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Swing States Decisive in Obama Re-Election

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama rolled to reelection and a second term in the White House on Tuesday with a clear victory over Republican challenger Mitt Romney as the Democrat overcame deep doubts about his handling of the U.S. economy. [caption id="attachment_3599" align="alignright" width="230"] Mitt Romney, left, delivers concession speech. Barack Obama, right, thanks supporters.[/caption] Romney ca ...

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Senate Democrats do well, stay in the majority

Democrats gained at least one seat in the Senate by winning a series of high-profile races, giving them a continued stronghold in Washington and disappointing early Republican hopes of retaking the chamber. [caption id="attachment_3586" align="alignnone" width="534"] Democrat Elizabeth Warren Tuesday after unseating Republican Sen. Scott Brown.[/caption] In one of the tightest races, Democratic Sen. Jon Tes ...

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Mitt Romney lost the presidential race in the summer

Romney lost the campaign months ago. During trip to Summer Olympics, Democrats painted him as ruthless capitalist, a tag that stuck  I fought against long odds in a deep- blue state. But I was a severely conservative Republican governor. MITT ROMNEY REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Mitt Romney lost the presidential race in the summer. [caption id="attachment_3574" align="alignnone" width="572"] Republican ...

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