The Israeli Crimes, the Western Complicity and the Muslims’ Silence

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The historical stories are not told to keep people asleep. It is to make people awake so that it should not happen again.But such an objective of studying history has totally failed. The history of genocidal massacre of Bosnian Muslims by the Serbs and the complicity of the Western countries and Russia tells a lot to help understand the current Israeli genocide in Gaza. If anyone fai ...

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Prospects of civil war in the USA

By Asif Haroon Raja Post 2nd world war era After the victory of the Allied Forces against the Germany-led Axis Forces in the 2nd World War, the US emerged as a superpower. In order to browbeat its chief rival USSR and to gain a monopoly, the US got involved in a prolonged Cold War.Afghanistan became the graveyard of the Soviet Empire and it led to its demise in 1991. The US which had played a role in dwarfi ...

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Simmering Clash of the Titans Obtaining situation in Ukraine Part – 1

By Asif Haroon Raja‘Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire, but with Ukraine, suborned and then subjugated, Russia becomes an empire’. BrzezinskiWestern Pledge to GorbachevOnce the Soviet Empire built by Lenin-Stalin began to totter after the defeat and ouster of Soviet forces from Afghanistan in Feb 1989, followed by fall of Berlin wall, the 14 Soviet Republics and the Soviet satellite states start ...

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کشمیر کے مسئلے کو عالمی سطح پر اُجاگرکرتے رہنا چاہیئے

India has to leave Kashmir نغمہ حبیب کشمیرواد یئ جنت نظیر جسے قدرت نے بے بہا حسن سے نوازرکھا ہے اور چاہیئے تو یہ تھا کی دنیا اسے اس قدرتی حسن کی وجہ سے جانتی لیکن افسوس کی بات ہے کہ یہی وادی آگ اور بارود کی بُو سے بوجھل رہتی ہے۔کشمیر چُہترسال سے بھارت کے قبضے میں ہے اور کشمیری مسلسل اپنی جدوجہد ِآزادی میں مصروف ہیں وہ کسی مرحلے پر پیچھے نہیں ہٹے ہیں۔بھارت صرف کشمیر ہی نہیں بھارت کے ہر مسلمان کے لیے متعصب ہے ...

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Indian Firing on UNMOGIP Exposed Ulterior Motives

COAS Pakistan Army Visiting LoC By Zaheerul HassanAccording to Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), on December 21 202, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa visited forward troops deployed along Line of Control (LOC). He was briefed about latest situation, Indian Cease Fire Violations deliberately targeting innocent civilians recent targeting of UN vehicle by Indian troops against all int ...

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Indian terrorism exposed

The World Notorious Intelligence Agency India’s misdoings in historical perspectiveBy Haroon RajaPakistan’s Troubles in Formative YearsThe security situation of Pakistan has remained turbulent right from its inception due to meddlesome role of India. India has waged wars and employed indirect strategy to destabilize Pakistan. Reason behind India’s unending hostility is its belief in mythical Mahabharata and ...

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Is Plebiscite in Kashmir Workable?

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai Kashmiris Protest against India .Hosting Pakistan Flag is clear message of Kashmiris People The idea that the dispute over the status of Jammu and Kashmir can be settled only in accordance with the will of the people, which can be ascertained through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite, was the common ground taken by both Pakistan and India. It was supported witho ...

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Does Amit Shah Need a History Lesson on Kashmir?

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai ”Jammu and Kashmir has been, is and will always remain an integral part of India. Indian people will no longer tolerate an unholy ‘global gathabndhan’ against our national interest. Amit Shah, Home Minister of India.: November 17, 2020 “Mr. Minister, Kashmiris have yet to assent to be part of India and then we could share the Indian national interest. Respectfully wish to remind you a ...

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