Conflict Resolution Lies in Coexisting Middle East

Palestinin Women weaping after Israeli Raid By Zaheerul HassanEmergence of Conflict and Israel InceptionDuring, First World War (1917), Britain promised of establishing independent states to both Arabs and Jews, in case of fall of Ottoman Empire. Conqueror , Instead of creating two states as promised, initially in 1918 settled, 100,000, Jewish and then again aftermath of Second World War, pushed 250,000 Jew ...

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Afghanistan yesterday, today, tomorrow Pakistan-US role

Part-Two Start of Joe Biden’s innings By Asif-Haroon. After the change of guards in Washington, a media campaign has been unleashed to compel Joe Biden's administration to review the Afghan peace deal and delay the departure of troops from Afghanistan. The Taliban are projected as irreconcilable, treacherous and blood thirsty. A powerful lobby in the West with expansionist aims is not in favor of troop with ...

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Role and Responsibility of Global Kashmiri Diaspora

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai Indian Brutality in Occupied Kashmir When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” Winston S. Churchill. The disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir stands apart as the most cantankerous of conflicts, with the catastrophic possibility of nuclear devastation. After all India and Pakistan have fought three wars and nearly began a fourth with the ever-present threa ...

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Time for Indo-Pakistan Talks

Rejoinder to Praveen Swami by Asif Haroon Raja Praveen Swami in his apparently innocent and well-meaning article titled ‘The Time might have come for India and Pakistan to talk’ has made designed distortions in the recent past history of the two archrivals. Messages have been conveyed in a subtle way under the guise of revival of talks and friendship. The motivation behind writing this article is the floati ...

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Real Terrorists Detected in Kashmir

By Sajjad Shaukat The term of terrorism has been so confused that there is no exact definition of terrorism. The problem is confined to political terrorism which occurs when a group, whether holding governmental office or outside government, resolves to pursue a set of ideological objectives by methods which not only subvert or ignore the requirements of domestic and international law, but also rely for the ...

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Kashmir: Accession to Pakistan Day & India’s Endless State Terrorism

By Sajjad Shaukat Every year, Kashmiris living on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) and Pakistan, including rest of the world celebrate July 19 as the Day of Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan, as on this very day in 1947, the historical resolution was adopted by the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference in Abi Guzar, Srinagar during an emergency convention at the residence of Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim K ...

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Wani’s Blood Gave New Strength to the Kashmir’s Struggle

By Sajjad Shaukat Burhan Wani, the popular Commander of Hizb-ul-Mujahideen was martyred by the Indian government forces in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) on July 8, 2016. After the martyrdom of Burhan Wani, widespread and spontaneous protests erupted throughout the IOK. In order to control the mass movement, the Indian occupation forces unleashed reign of terror against the Kashmiri civilians. As a resul ...

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Anti-Muslim Nationalism Continues Unabated in India

By Sajjad Shaukat Although since Narendar Modi, the leader of the ruling party BJP became Indian prime minister in 2014, he started implementing ideology of Hindutva (Hindu Nationalism), especially by persecuting the Indian Muslims, yet during his second tenure; Modi government accelerated the completion of the agenda, particularly targeting the Muslims. Indian extremist rulers’ various moves such as abroga ...

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