Where Is My India Nationally and Internationally?
By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch
‘Where is my India nationally and internationally’ as how to explain and from where is to begin and start to appreciating and discarding India as India itself contradicts her deeds and misdeeds diplomatically and

“WAKE UP INDIA” a Protest Rally against the Violence & oppression on Minorities, Churches, Nun and Christians organize by Christian reform united people association along with Other Organizations, Churches and Institutions at Azad Maidan
internationally always.
As to why Indians and Indian media do feel confused like me or afraid of to express freely for fear of concocted charges of sedition etc anytime- against anyone –suddenly especially against from minorities in India?
Are we, Indians to remain always unsecured-lacking security of financial loss, physical safety and liberty and even can’t raise questions;
And let the cruel may enjoy their security, safety and liberty under the shadow of police forces, commandoes and the gangsters kept by them in their cavity at will and they are at liberty and simply can deny my questions saying such small fly don’t deserve any answer from us and say so on?
And they (cruel) may deny all those questions pertaining to their (of Indians) security of financial loss, physical safety and liberty under the uncontrolled circumstances including drastically increasing petrol prices, diesel prices and the fall of rupee beyond control and due to which the unaffordable price rise of all commodities in India.
Under the prevailing circumstances, are the law and order enforcing forces and the agencies not preferring to be with and supporting the crime and criminals in India?
Could the author of this note be allowed to quote a few glaring unbearable circumstances and instances under which the Indian system works nationally and internationally without quoting all as a failure and inability on my part to do so ( All the cruel may enjoy their security, safety and liberty under the shadow of police forces, commandoes and the gangsters kept by them in their cavity at will) but selectively pointing out the cruel beneficiaries of the Indian system?
Another team of the cruel beneficiaries are very likely be replaced and benefitted in 2019 Polls after understandably change of power centre under the garb of ‘the drastically uncontrollable increasing petrol prices, diesel prices and the fall of rupee beyond control and due to which the unaffordable price rise of all commodities now and then as usual and similarly happening especially after so-called independence of India’.
Indians could be in another cage politically soon understandably and hopelessly as already said and also being further explained as under.