All Generalities are Wrong Including This One

 By  Brig® Mehboob Qadir                                    There is no intention to indulge in a circular talk or place anyone in a state of now- you- see-  now-you-don’t like  what it might appear in the composition of this phrase. As a matter of fact and historic experience generalities are not permanent as they tend to become in popular lore ,but have a temporary relevance and then fade away into the et ...

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From Ayub Khan to Ziaul Haq

Part-0ne Asif Haroon Raja When the British finally decided to divide India into two sovereign States, it was reluctant to divide the Indian Army. Quad-e-Azam was repeatedly advised to desist from division but he stood firm saying ‘a country is not sovereign without its own armed forces to defend its sovereignty’. On August 14, 1947, the day Pakistan was born; Lt Gen Sir Frank Messervy was appointed C-in-C P ...

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