Split in TTP on Negotiation Issue

By Zaheerul Hassan  As results of elections 2013, formulation of newly elected governments has almost been completed. Political and military leaderships under the constitution of Pakistan believe in peace process with Taliban. In this regard, PML (N) and PTI have promised in their election campaigns that both parties will carry out negotiations with local Taliban for establishing of peace. But ambitions of ...

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SOS Call from Minorities in India

Professor Ali Sukhanver The Muslim community in India constitutes about 13.4% of the total Indian population but the people belonging to this community are leading a miserable life even worse than the Dalits. The Muslims are the real Untouchables. Last year in July, a very renowned and esteemed news paper of India, The Hindu sent an investigative team of its reporters to different residential areas of the C ...

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TTP is still a potent threat

Asif Haroon Raja Jihadis who had taken part in Afghan Jihad against the Soviet forces were from Pakistan, mostly from FATA and settled areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). Jihadis from Arab, African and Central Asian countries refused to return back to their countries of origin after the successful culmination of Jihad since they were not welcomed back. The US and Saudi Arabia that had collected them and used ...

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By M Khan Chishti A new English online magazine “Azan”, quite comparable to Al-Qaeda’s "Inspire" magazine, represented drone attacks as a challenge to the Muslim community and appealed Muslims around the world to come up with technology to hack or manipulate drones, describing this as one of their most important priorities. “Any opinions, thoughts, ideas and practical implementations to defeat this drone te ...

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By: M Khan Chishti Much of the debate on US drone strikes inside Pakistan revolves around the issue of its legality and violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty, however little deliberation is made with respect to psychological effects of this lethal weapon on innocent population. Talking over this aspect, Doctor Mukhtar-ul-Haq, head of Psychiatry Department at Peshawar’s Lady Reading Hospital said that rate of ...

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Syrian regime is acceptable in masses

By Zaheerul Hassan U.S and her allies tried hard to remove Assad regime with the help of 10% rebels. They   not only terribly failed in to bring any change but also losing public support of the masses. Despite wholehearted efforts,  USSR , China and many other countries started condemning American supported in human actions against the public. Visible increase in support of Syrian President Bashar Assad has ...

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Need for dialogue with militants

By Asif Haroon Raja War against the Soviets produced Jihadis in Pakistan. Most of the Jihadis who took part in Afghan Jihad were from FATA and some parts of settled areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) like Malakand. Since Jihadis came from other Muslim countries as well, camaraderie developed among them. A small force of about 500-700 from Saudi Arabia under Osama bin Laden supported by CIA also took active pa ...

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Trade corridor to boost Sino-Pak ties

Posted by Javed Iqbal    Prior to his departure from Islamabad, Chinese Prime Minister Kegiang said, "To be friends forever is the cherished desire of both nations." The Sino-Pak relationship has a long history of mutual trust, unflinching support, and all-weather friendship. Their ties are unique in that they have stood the test of over six decades under a myriad of circumstances and have always emerged st ...

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