Foreign Interference in Political Affairs Rejected by Pakistan
By Zaheerul Hassan
United States, UK and Europe Union, objected punishment of 9th May culprits, while saying that sentencing civilians by Military Courts is violation of human rights. Actually these countries have double standards toward Islamic and third world countries, contrary to it, UK took speedy actions after establishing special courts, when in August 24, she faced worst riots in 13 years after disturbances linked to child murders that flared across the country. According to House of Common library around 4000 people arrested and 1984 were sentenced ranging from 2–9 in years just within two months trial.
Similarly, as per United States Attorney office “approximately 894 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges, many of whom faced or will face incarceration at sentencing”.
On 24 December 24, Richard Grenell, president-elect Donald Trump’s nominee as envoy for special missions , speaking to Newsmax TV an American conservative television channel, asked Joe Biden government to use power to push for the release of jailed Pakistani former premier Imran Khan. Grenell tried to draw the similarities in allegations on Trump and Imran and declared these false. Grenell while commenting on political affairs has forgotten that Pakistan is an independent nuclear state and will never compromise over her internal affairs. Moreover Pakistani armed forces and intelligence institutions are strong enough to neutralize any threat posed to its sovereignty.
Need to highlight here, that Grenell leader Trump and state is backing Israel who killed over 45000 innocents’ people including women and children which shows the ethics and true face of so called champion of human rights’ states. Therefore, US crying for 25 culprits who attacked defence installations and convicted as per country rules and acts are just illogical. Notably, , Pakistan Army Act 1952 has derived power from 1973 Constitution, that allows to deal those civilians who attack or damage defence forces installations. So punishing such culprits is very much correct as per rules and regulations.

Pakistan being a sovereign country very rightly rejected US, UK and EU concerns. In this connection Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mumtaz Zahra Baloch expressed that the verdicts were made under a law passed by the Pakistani parliament and in line with the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s ruling.
She also added that Pakistan’s legal system is consistent with international human rights law, including provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). It has remedies of judicial review by the superior courts and guarantees the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. She also stressed that Pakistan will continue to engage with international partners, including the EU, to uphold international human rights law without any discrimination or double standards..
The said countries must know that sentences to the civilian are according to the rules of the land. The allegations against them were proved with the help of audios, videos, and statement of witness, thus found guilty since they deliberately attacked military installations all over the country. No innocent was dealt or jailed without proofs. anyhow, asking US, EU and UK by a political party to pressurize government for release of culprits and Imran Kha is amount of inviting foreign countries to interfere in Pakistan internal Political issues .concluding, would like to say here that US, EU and UK should stop backing Israel , India and their brutal actions against Kashmiris and Palestinians.
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