Bad for Business: India’s White Elephant Kashmir

(Part II) By  Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai Ultimately the referendum in Scotland was held in a peaceful manner, and the people decided according to their own free will not to be an independent nation. This was undoubtedly a victory for democratic principles and universal values. The people of Kashmir do not want anything more than that. They want the same principle to be equally applicable to Kashmir. Let the people ...

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Death Penalty to Terrorists

 By Sajjad Shaukat While fighting a different war with the non-state actors, Pakistan is passing through exceptionally unusual circumstances and the situation warrants clear, bold and firm decisions to deal the menace of terrorism, specially the threat of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its banned affiliated groups. After the 9/11 tragedy, American President, Congress, media and public became one t ...

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Bad for Business: India’s White Elephant Kashmir

                                                                                        (Part I) By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai It is nothing less than astounding that intelligent men who are charged with the responsibility of leading a country cannot comprehend that spending billions of dollars to maintain possession of a very small disputed territory to its north with millions of troops at the expense of their ow ...

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Production and Export of Terrorism

By Ali Sukhanver The Boston Review published an article of C. Christine Fair on 16th of last October with the title, Is Pakistan in ISIS' Crosshairs? C. Christine Fair is a well known American analyst on South Asian political and military affairs and a member of the International Institute of Strategic Studies as well as of the Council on Foreign Relations. She is also a senior fellow with the Counter Terro ...

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Kashmir rights cannot be ignored

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai The enlightening and informative article, ‘SAARC summit and the Kashmir problem’ written by a seasoned Saudi diplomat, Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi (Saudi Gazette, December 3, 2014) needs some observations from a Kashmiri perspective. I totally agree with Dr. Al-Ghamdi that “it is high time for the leaders of both countries (India and Pakistan) to take bold and serious decisions to resolve this ...

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Taliban Militancy Compelled Nation to Unite

By Zaheerul Hassan The cowardly act of Taliban against innocent students of Army Public School and College of Peshawar is completely intolerable. Taliban carnage of   149 people, including 134 children, lady principal and teacher are totally condemnable and proved an example of barbarism. Meanwhile, Army Chief General Raheel Sharif rushed to Kabul and warned Afghan authorities to take decisive action agains ...

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Final Wake UP Call to the Nation

 By Sajjad Shaukat                                                                                                                       Although various kinds of terror attacks have been conducted by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its banned affiliated groups in the past few years, yet the massacre of 132 school children at Army Public School and College in Peshawar on December 16, this year prov ...

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تم کو رقم کریں گے یہ بچے کتاب میں

 نغمہ حبیب پشاور کے ہسپتالوں میں مردہ خانوں کے آگے کسی چہرے پر کوئی امید کوئی آس نہیں تھی آج پورا شہر سوگوار ہے شہر کیا پورا ملک رورہا ہے ہر آنکھ اشکبار ہے آج دہشتگردوں نے سفاکیت اور درندگی کی انتہا کردی ۔دہشتگردی کے واقعات سالہاسال سے ہورہے ہیں اور ہر واقعہ قابل افسوس اور قابل مذمت ہے لیکن آج تو سارا پاکستان رو پڑا چیخ اٹھا یہ حملہ یوں تو آرمی پبلک سکول پر ہوا لیکن یہ پاکستان کے ہر بچے پرحملہ ہے اس کے مستق ...

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