Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s separation plan

By Asif Haroon Raja After the humiliating defeat of India by China in 1962, the Indians realized that if they ever have to fight against China again, they will need a better transport and logistics infrastructure. The Chicken Neck obstacle had to be removed and India needed to establish unfettered road, rail and-river right-of-way through East Bengal to North East Frontier and Arunachal. Creation of Banglad ...

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Pakistan’s Role in Regional Stability and Peace

  By Sajjad Shaukat Taking cognizance of the modern world trends such as renunciation of war, peaceful settlement of disputes and economic development, Pakistan has always played a positive role in regional stability and peace. As regards the sacrifices, rendered by the people of Pakistan and Armed Forces, during the Global War on Terror, the idea of regional stability and peace cannot be better understood ...

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Military bashing by media

By Asif Haroon Raja Indian spin masters in league with other adversaries of Pakistan are deeply involved in bringing a bad name to Pakistan and its premier institutions through a calculated psychological war since 2002. 9/11 had given an opportunity to India to conduct proxy war against Pakistan using Afghan soil. Covert war designed to destabilize Pakistan and force it to accept India as the regional hegem ...

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Modi’s Maltreatment of Muslims & the Middle East

  By Sajjad Shaukat Hindu politics and culture, dominated by the fundamentalist parties such as BJP, RSS, VHP, Shiv Sena and other similar groups which have been propagating Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) are feeling pleasure, because Indian elections based on media campaign against Islam and Muslims, enabled BJP hardliner Narendra Modi to get a land sliding triumph in the Indian elections 2014. Whereas the I ...

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The Myth of ‘Aman Ki Asha’

By Sajjad Shaukat When idea of initiating ‘Aman-Ki-Asha’ (Desire for peace) was presented, the exponents of this initiative argued that it will provide a platform to Pakistan to make peace and end hostilities with India. They explained that it will also facilitate resolution of core issues between India and Pakistan like Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek, and Water through a dialogue process. But, Aman-Ki-Asha wh ...

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All Together but not Quite

  By Brig® Mehboob Qadir Armies are peculiar reflections of their national history, culture and mother society. Within each army there are sub structures which correspond to the functional and operational needs of the force as it might be deployed for war, security or humanitarian tasks. However the key is that their mission statement must remain intact. An attempt to adulterate the army’s mission with subj ...

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Afghanistan’s strategic backyard

By Laura Schuurmans The US and NATO have indicated that they will completely withdraw their forces in 2014 if they do not sign a bilateral security agreement (BSA) with the former and a status of forces agreement with the latter. The final presidential candidates of Afghanistan have pledged that they would sign a BSA and SOFA necessary for providing legal cover to the U.S. and NATO for their future military ...

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Who is Derailing Democracy in Pakistan?

By Sajjad Shaukat During the first anniversary of 2013 general elections in Pakistan, on May 11, this year, country-wide protest rallies led by leaders of Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf (PTI), Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT), Pakistan Muslim League (Q) and Jamaat Islami (JI) were held against the rigging in the elections, demanding a corruption-free state, instead of a system that brought corrupt politicians in parli ...

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