Civil-Military Cooperation

[caption id="attachment_3316" align="alignright" width="336"] 126 PMA Passing out Prade at Kakul[/caption] By Sajjad Shaukat It is regrettable that in the recent years, instead of appreciating Pak Army and Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayan, some pseudo-intellectuals, political entities and media anchors have been acting upon a negative campaign against military and its top leadership. By show ...

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Hindus aspire for Hindu Raj in India

Asif Haroon Raja While India brags about democracy, secularism and human rights, in reality Hindu Brahmans aspire for Hindu Raj. They consider themselves to be pure and superior and all other communities impure and inferior. Four-fold caste system was conceived by the Brahmans to maintain their unchallenged supremacy. Brahmans insist that castes are divinely sanctioned and cannot be changed or abrogated. Th ...

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Post Taliban Afghan Political and Government Structure

By Abu Ezaan Afghan presidential elections scheduled in April 2014, if held as announced and planned, would be third such accomplishment in the post Taliban Afghanistan. The post Taliban political course for Afghanistan was charted during an International conference (Bonn-I) at Bonn, Germany in December 2001, which was mandated by the United Nations (UN). The Bonn-I was led by UN envoy to Afghanistan, Ambas ...

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Seminar-Khalsa Raj, Dr. Paramjit Singh Ajrawat

By Dr. Paramit Singh Ajrawat  Khalistan Day Parade Organization Invite All Sikhs and Sikh Youth To Participate In The Historic Seminar To be Held at Langley School Northern Virginia, On Saturday Nov 13, 2013 from 5 PM to 9 PM. Langar Will Be Served. This Seminar Will Highlight Reclamation of Elveden Hall- Sikh National Monument of Lost Geopolitical Sovereignty and Religious Persecution of Minor Sikh Soverei ...

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Peace required to end bloodshed

Asif Haroon Raja Nek Muhammad from Ahmadzai Wazir tribe, Abdullah Mehsud and Baitullah Mehsud, all from South Waziristan (SW) were founding leaders of Pakistani Taliban and had drawn inspiration from Afghan Taliban. They rebelled against the State after regular troops entered SW in 2002 to flush out foreign terrorists and get hold of those who had harbored them. Prior to their movement, Maulana Sufi Muhamma ...

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Tense Afghan-US relations

Asif Haroon Raja Relations between Afghan and the US governments are far from friendly. Wall of distrust has come up because of Karzai’s filibustering and abrasiveness. After sabotaging Doha peace process in June this year, he is now in two minds whether to sign or not to sign Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with USA, which would authorize US-NATO to leave behind a residue force and to retain some milita ...

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The US scripted endgame has gone awry

Asif Haroon Raja After occupation of Afghanistan in November 2001 by US led western forces and Afghan Northern Alliance force, the US inspired constitution and democracy was pushed down the gullets of Afghans. Ground was prepared for elections and the US spent huge amounts in winning over the loyalties of warlords and to make the elections successful. The first presidential election was held in 2004 which e ...

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Shining India is losing its shiny finish

By Asif Haroon Raja Shining India is losing its shiny finish and its rapidly surging economy has begun to plummet. The ruling Congress is roiled in mega corruption and sex scandals and so is the Indian military. Rape is in high fashion with New Delhi in the lead. Senior Army officers are involved in sex scandals and corruption. Besides frequent cases of rape, wife swapping and group sexes were reported by I ...

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