An overview of Middle East crisis

By Asif Haroon Raja The US and the Western world’s deep-seated interest in the strategically important and oil-rich Middle East are well known. In order to maintain control over oil wells and to keep sea lanes and choke points in Indian Ocean open, the British Empire in line with its policy of divide and rule, split up the Ottoman Empire in 1918 into small Muslim States and installed puppet rulers. By 1923, ...

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Is Extended Chinese Involvement in Pak-Afghan Interests?

By Abu Ezaan In Pakistan, often an argument in favour of extended Chinese involvement in Afghanistan is proffered on the pretext that any such development would be in our strategic interests in the region.  Presumably, greater Chinese involvement in Afghanistan is reckoned as a rational to offset negative US presence that consistently advances Indian interests.  Here, it is assumed that Pakistan and China w ...

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Terrorist Attacks Hamper Peace Dialogue

  By Sajjad Shaukat Debate continues between various political and religious leaders in relation to peace dialogue with the Taliban.  In this regard, after obtaining consensus of the mainstream political parties in the All Parties Conference (APC), held on September 9, 2013, the government led by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had decided to start peace process with the militants, especially of the Tehreek-e-T ...

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Karachi operation gathering steam

                                           By   Mohammad Jamil According to Additional Inspector General of Karachi Police Shahid Hayat, the detained suspect MQM worker Kazim Abbas Rizvi, had killed Advocate Naimat Ali Randhawa for pursuing the case of TV reporter Wali Khan Babar who had been killed in 2011. He said Advocate Randhawa’s murder was a “politically motivated targeted killing”. Addressing a pres ...

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Terrorism & Invisible Balance of Power

By Imran Farooqi  In his book, “Invisible Balance of Power, US vs Islamic Militants: Dangerous Shift in International Relations”, published in 2005, Sajjad Shaukat has taken present ‘different war’ as an interaction of ‘state terrorism’ led by the United States and the ‘group terrorism’ by the Al Qaeda or Islamic militants. It is notable that a number of authors have written books about the 9/11 tragedy, bu ...

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مادر پدرآزاد صحافتی موسم کے ۔بے ثمر اثرات

 سیّد ناصررضا کاظمی ذرائعِ ابلاغ کی مادر پدر آزادی کے بحث و مبا حث میں’اظہارِ جذبات ‘ کے اِن بنیادی پہلوؤں پر ماہرین‘ سیر حاصل گفتگو کرنے سے اپنا دامن بچانے کی فکر میں نجانے کچھ سے کچھ کہنے تک پر کیوں اتر آتے ہیں یہ ماننے کے لئے تیار نہیں ہوتے کہ میڈیا کی معروف اُصولی آزادی کے عالمی پیمانے پر تسلیم شدہ کچھ قواعد و ضوابط ہوتے ہیں میڈیا کی بے قواعد اور بے اُصولی آزادی کا فی الفور نوٹس اگر نہ لیا جائے اور اِسے ...

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Maj Gen Sanaullah, Lt Col Tauseef among 3 killed in Upper Dir blast

By Zaheerul Hassan Rawalpindi: Interior Minister Nisar, Gen. Pervez Ashfaq Kayani, COAS, Gen Khalid Shamim Wayne CJCS along with other military and civil officials attended the funeral of three senior military officials who were martyred in a blast near Pak-Afghan border on 15 September 2013. Major General Sanaullah  Lt Colonel Tauseef and Lance Nayak Irfan Sattar were martyred in Upper Dir area when a road ...

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Heavy US arms aids India & Israel

Shumaila Raja The all time high increase in the US military aid to its strategic partners in Asia like India, Israel and for example Philippines and the massive hike in the defense budgets of these countries indicate towards a new push to the superpower designs in the Indian ocean region, as well as part of the new world order ahead of presidential elections in the United States of America. Pakistan amongst ...

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