Dialogue with the Taliban Needs Caution

By Sajjad Shaukat  The government of the Pakistan Muslim League (N) led by the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is determined to have peace dialogue with the Taliban, especially Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) which has continued its subversive acts before, during and after the general elections 2013. On the other hand, while accepting the offer, the TTP spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid has recommended that the ...

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Russian President and Saudi Spy Chief Discussed Middle East Crises

  Posted By Zaheerul Hassan  Syrian situation has dragged Middle East into fire but U.S seems terribly failed in achieving in her long term objectives. Saudi Shah recently very rightly warned his old friend U.S. to stop interfere in Middle East countries. In this regard Shah Abdullah categorically mentioned that U.S. is behind Syrian and Egyptian  current crises. According to a diplomatic report about the “ ...

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Hullabaloo on leaked Abbottabad Commission Report

Asif Haroon Raja The leaked Abbottabad Commission Report is the ongoing hot topic. It has reopened the wounds that had begun to heal. A little over two years ago the US Navy SEALs mounted in four Blackhawk stealth helicopters had secretly intruded into Pakistan airspace on late night of May 1/2, 2011. After killing Osama bin Laden (OBL) in his compound in Abbottabad the raiders took away his body and later ...

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CIA committed in War Crimes through Drone Attacks

CIA Drone hit Mosque and Rescuers after drone strikes. by Chris Woods with additional reporting by Mushtaq Yusufzai A field investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in Pakistan’s tribal areas appears to confirm that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) last year briefly revived the controversial tactic of deliberately targeting rescuers at the scene of a previous drone strike. The tactic has ...

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John Kerry Visit: Implications on Pak-US Bilateral Relations

By Zaheerul Hassan  Pakistan PM has presided high level military-civil meeting in connection with John Kerry visit who arrived in Islamabad on 31 July 2013. US Sectary of State John Kerry has arrived in Pakistan for two days visit on 31 July, 2013. He is the most senior first US official is visiting the country since Nawaz Sharif was sworn in as Pakistan as new prime minister after May elections. During his ...

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Why Drone Attacks Still Continue?

     By Sajjad Shaukat At least seven people were killed on July 28, this year when a US drone targeted a residential compound in North Waziristan Agency of Pakistan. This was the fourth drone strike since Nawaz Sharif assumed office as prime minister. It is mentionable that the latest predator attack came during the holy month of Ramazan. While, recently American President Barack Obama delivered formal Ram ...

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Ban on YouTube should continue

By Zaheerul Hassan The “YouTube ban” has become such a bone in the throats of certain Qadiani, Ahmadi, Atheist, Secular and other anti-Islam elements that they have made it their sole purpose to unblock it by using all available unsocial and illegal means. I want to straight out certain facts regarding the case, so here it goes. YouTube was blocked in September 2012 by Govt of Pakistan in the light of decis ...

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The Day of Accession of Kashmir to Pakistan

[caption id="attachment_2056" align="alignright" width="460"] KashmirI Lake[/caption]        By Sajjad Shaukat 19th of July is celebrated every year on both sides of the Line of Control and all over the world by the people of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), as on this very day in 1947, majority of people of the Indian-held Kashmir passed a peaceful resolution, and decided Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan. The h ...

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