NATO and Gulf States Conspiring to Drive the Middle East into Full-blown War

By Patrick Henningsen The evidence is now in, as list of state actors can now be seen openly conspiring to drive the Middle East into full-blown war. It’s well known by now that NATO and the Gulf States initial plans to overturn the sovereign state of Syria has been running behind schedule since their operation was launched two years ago. They had hoped for the sort of slam dunk which they enjoyed in overtu ...

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Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline

By Alauddin Masood Finally, Pakistan and Iran have agreed to give a concrete shape to the $7.5 billion Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project with groundbreaking ceremony on March 11, this year. The presidents of both the countries will preside over the ceremony to be held at Gabd zero point on the Pakistan-Iran border. Pakistan and Iran commissioned, February 27th, 2013 a joint contracting company to begi ...

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Syrian rebels seize 21 U.N. peacekeepers near Golan Heights

Posted By Rida Zaheer Syrian rebels seized 21 U.N. peacekeepers from the Philippines on 6 MARCH 2013 in a bid to convince President Bashar al-Assad pull back from a rebel-held village near the Golan Heights. In a video posted to the Internet, a man claiming to be the spokesman for the rebel Martyrs of Yarmouk Brigades said that his men will hold the peacekeepers until Assad's forces withdraw from Jamlah, wh ...

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The US in a precarious situation

Asif Haroon Raja While George W Bush led regime of neo-cons had initiated the insane war on the pretext of 9/11 attacks, Obama administration took no steps to wind down the war after taking over in January 2009 by which time the futility of war and hidden motives had been exposed. Rather, the Democrats accelerated the war and introduced drone war to further fuel terrorism. Under the cover of war on terror, ...

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Now it is Banglandesh

PROFESSOR ALI SUKHANVER ‘The death toll rose to at least 37 in violence sparked by a controversial death sentence handed down against the head of an Islamic party for war crimes committed during the country's 1971 war of independence’, reported The Los Angeles Times on the first day of this March. The paper further says, ‘Tensions have been running high in recent weeks as verdicts were announced in the tria ...

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U.S. Major John’s year in Pakistan

by Major John Evans   MY previous experience in Pakistan included looking down on Peshawar from the Khyber Pass in Afghanistan and receiving some rocket fire from the eastern side of the border while in Asadabad. Despite this, I was aware that the media’s portrayal of Pakistan was not entirely accurate and I was looking forward to my stay at the Command and Staff College in Quetta. However, I never could ha ...

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Afghanistan Political Puzzle

By Dr Zafar Nawaz Jaspal The withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan in 2014 certainly has decisive impact on both Afghanistan’s domestic situation as well its relations with its neighboring states. Afghanistan’s internal political environment will inescapably transform, once the foreign troops depart from the country. The makeover of new Afghan ruling elite would determine and chalk out Kabul’s forei ...

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Indian Anti-Pakistan Role in Afghanistan

By Sajjad Shaukat A recently released video by Washington Free Beacon pointed out that the US new Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel disclosed during a speech at Oklahoma’s CameronUniversity in 2011, “India has always used Afghanistan as a second front” and “has over the years financed problems for Pakistan on that side of the border.” Earlier, the then NATO commander in Afghanistan, Gen. McChrystal had revea ...

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