بھارت تباہ کن ہتھیاروں کی تیاری میں مصروف

نغمہ حبیب ایک طرف دنیا کو ایٹمی ہتھیاروں سے پاک کرنے کی باتیں ہوتی ہیں، معاہدوں پر دستخط ہوتے ہیں ، تحریکیں چلتی ہیں اور دوسری طرف اسی دنیا میں کچھ انسانی دماغ مزید ہتھیار ڈیزائن کر رہے ہوتے ہیں اور بہت سے کارخانے انہیں ڈھال رہے ہوتے ہیں اور یوں انسانی تباہی کے منصوبے تکمیل پاتے رہتے ہیں اگرچہ دعویٰ ہر ایک انسانیت کی فلاح کا کرتا ہے۔ ایسا ہی ایک تجربہ 2016 کے جاتے جاتے ہمارے پڑوسی ملک بھارت نے ایک اور ایٹمی ...

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Taliban leaders Moved to Afghanistan from Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat The armed forces of Pakistan have broken the backbone of the Taliban and other militant outfits by the successful military operation Zarb-e-Azb, which has also been extended to other parts of the country, including Balochistan. And Pakistan’s intelligence agency, ISI has broken the network of these terrorist groups by capturing several militants, while thwarting a number of terror attempts ...

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The Quest for Peace In South Asia

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai “Peace need not be impracticable, and war need not be inevitable.” John F. Kennedy Peace has eluded Kashmir for more than 69 years, every since British sovereignty lapsed on August 15, 1947. The Government of India holds the decisive cards to end Kashmir’s convulsions and carnage on a genocidal scale. No peace formula worth its salt, however, depends on altruism or unselfishness senti ...

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Systematic Neo-colonisation of Muslim World

By Asif Haroon Raja In the 6th century, the entire Arab Peninsula had sunk into the morass of depravation and delinquency. The two super powers of the time, Romans (Byzantine Empire) and Persians (Sassanian Empire) were situated in the west and east of Arabian Peninsula respectively and were antagonists. The 28 year-war (602-630 A.D.) had drained the two empires and decay had begun to set in. It was in thos ...

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Singh is always king

SINGH IS ALWAYS KING: POPULATION LESS THAN TWO PERCENT (2%) OF INDIA NEVER ASK FOR RESERVATION, BUT STILL REMAINED ALMOST ON ALL TOP THE CONSTITUTIONAL POSITIONS IN INDIA: AN OPINION BY BALBIR SINGH SOOCH-SIKH VICHAR MANCH What do like you others to say in the context about Sikhs in the world? Sikhs were-are exceptionally truthful warriors-competitors as a race-nation, that’s truly representing humanity, he ...

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Traitors of Pakistan Get Together in London

By Sajjad Shaukat Because of the ideal strategic location of its province Balochistan and being the lonely nuclear country in the Islamic World, Pakistan has become special target of the foreign entities like US, India, Israel and some western countries whose secret agencies have been destabilizing it through various kinds of terror attacks, as witnessed in the recent years. These hostile elements are also ...

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Chinese Navy at Gawadar- Rethink of India?

Chinese naval ships in Pakistan's Gwadar port call for a rethink of India's regional policy Regional alignments are shifting with China, Pakistan, Russia and Iran coming together. by MK Bhadrakumar Published Nov 27, 2016 The transformation of Gwadar port on the Pakistan coast as a base for Chinese Navy ships was long expected, but when media reports actually appeared on Friday to that effect, it was startli ...

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Media Need Reformation

By Asif Haroon Raja Gen Musharraf after coming to power through a military coup on October 12, 1999 decided to boost up and modernize electronic media by allowing foreign ownership in the name of freedom of expression and to show soft image of Pakistan to the west. His concept of enlightened moderation also had similar ambition of promoting liberalism. Private TV channels were given a free hand to broadcast ...

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