قربانی کی کھالیں۔۔۔ میڈیا مانیٹرنگ

نغمہ حبیب حضرت ابراہیم علیہ سلام نے اپنے رب کے حکم پر اپنے پیارے بیٹے حضرت اسماعیل علیہ سلام کی قربانی اس کے حضور پیش کی تو اللہ تعالیٰ کو اپنے دوست کی یہ ادا ایسی پسند آئی کہ اپنے محبوب ﷺ کی اُمت پراس کو فرض قرار دیا یعنی اپنے دوست کی سُنت اپنے محبوبﷺ کو تحفتاََ دے دی ۔مسلمان اس سُنت ابراہیمی کو بڑے خضوع و خشوع سے ادا کرتے ہیں چاہے انہیں پورا سال بچت کرنا پڑے تو بھی وہ کرتے ہیں لیکن قربانی ادا کرنے سے پیچھ ...

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Foreign Connections of the MQM Exposed

By Sajjad Shaukat After an aggressive anti-Pakistan speech of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain on August 22, this year, party workers attacked several media houses in Karachi. Addressing his workers on Phone from London, who were on hunger strike, Altaf Hussain went to called for the break-up of Pakistan. He ordered attacks on the offices of Karachi-based media houses of Geo Television ...

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  India’s Undeclared War against Pakistan

  By Sajjad Shaukat                           India had already started the undeclared war against Pakistan, which has been accelerated after the leader of the ruling party BJP Narendra Modi became Prime Minister of India. This war includes all the tactics of psychological warfare, propaganda and secret operations against Pakistan. In this regard, while addressing a ceremony during his Bangladesh tour, Indi ...

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Modi’s Extremist Policies Continue

By Sajjad Shaukat Since the leader of the ruling party BJP Narendra Modi became Prime Minister of India, he has been implemen [caption id="attachment_14012" align="alignright" width="300"] The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi visits the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Nawaz Sharif's home in Raiwind, where his grand-daughter's wedding is being held, at Lahore, Pakistan on December 25, 2015.[/caption] ting ...

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Indian Independence Day is Black Day for Kashmiris

By Sajjad Shaukat Every year when India celebrates Independence Day on August 15, Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and the world over observe it as Black Day to convey the message to the international community that India continues to usurp their inalienable right to self- determination. At present, this very day has come at a time, when the Indian-held Kashmir is bracing continued siege and p ...

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Quetta Blasts: Militancy in Balochistan

By Ali Suhkhanver The recent terrorist attack in Quetta Hospital took lives of more than hundred innocent citizens and left so many seriously injured. The terrorists might be taking this attack as a successful episode but in the long run this brutality is going to get the people of Balochistan more united against every type of terrorism. The political leadership of Balochistan has openly said that this was ...

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Indian Home Minister’s Failed Visit to Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh arrived in Pakistan on August 3, this year to participate in the 3-day conference of the interior ministers/home ministers and other delegates of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member states, held in Islamabad. Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s visit came at a time, when the tensions between Pakistan and India is running high in ...

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یورپی یونین کا بھارت کی طرف سے مقبوضہ کشمیر میں طاقت کے استعمال پر سخت تشویش کا اظہار

یورپی یونین کا بھارت کی طرف سے مقبوضہ کشمیر میں طاقت کے استعمال پر سخت تشویش کا اظہار‎ برسلز یورپی یونین کے ترجمان برائے امور خارجہ اور سلامتی پالیسی ماجا کوشی جان نے مقبوضہ کشمیر میں بھارت کی طرف سے طاقت کے استعمال پر سخت تشویش کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ بھارتی سرکار کو مقبوضہ ریاست میں امن و امان کے قیام کیلئے طاقت کے استعمال سے گریز کرنا پڑے گا اور کشمیری عوام کی حفاظت کو یقینی بنانا ہو گا۔ مقبوضہ کشمی ...

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