Amritsar Treaty: Agony of Kashmiris

By Sajjad Shaukat The very agony of the people of Jammu and Kashmir started on March 16, 1846 when the Treaty of Amritsar was signed. Under the Treaty, British colonialists sold Kashmir along with its people e to a Dogra Hindu, Gulab Singh for 7.5 million rupees. The Treaty of Amritsar which was signed by Gulab Singh, Hardinge, Currie and Lawrence had common cause among the parties with the aim to end the M ...

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Refocus on Extrajudicial Killings through CIA-operated Drones

By Sajjad Shaukat After the September 11 tragedy, the Muslim countries which joined the Bush’s fake global war on terror became the target of the US state terrorism which still continues in one way or the other. The US-led troops, supported by CIA have carried out indiscriminate mass round-ups in catching up suspected Muslim men and women in Afghanistan and Iraq, including some Arab countries without eviden ...

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Pakistan’s Balanced Policy in the Middle East

By Sajjad Shaukat An article, under the title, “Pakistan—A key GCC ally”‏, published in the “Arab News” on January 15, 2016, written by Abdulrahman Al-Rashed needs appropriate attention. Abdulrahman mentioned that three million Pakistanis who work in the Gulf countries, and the $4 billion in annual transactions they make, the region considers relations with Pakistan strategic. He elaborates, “The country is ...

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Hillary Clinton is a better choice for the world

By Zaheerul Hassan On 5 March 2016, Hillary Clinton a former secretary of state, and Mr. Trump, a property tycoon have again successfully maintained lead against their opponents.  Both are favourites to win the vast majority and scoring better till now for their respective parties.  Mrs. Clinton so far has managed to get the support of 1066 delegates out of 2383 democrats’ delegates.  She is short of 1317 w ...

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US Double Standard of Arms Supply in South Asia

By Sajjad Shaukat International community is so focused on the double standard of the United States in Syria that it has ignored America’s similar policy in South Asia, which also needs appropriate attention. In this regard, the US expressed concern on February 12, this year over the security of Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons. The statement followed the US announcement about its intention to sell eight ...

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Evolving Afghan Dynamics & Bearing on Pakistan

By Asif Haroon Raja General Afghanistan is connected with South Asia, Middle East and Central Asia. It shares 1400 km border with Pakistan and its 42% of Afghan Pashtuns share religious, ethnic, linguistic and cultural ties with 15.2 million Pakistani Pashtuns. Pashtuns living in close vicinity of Durand Line have blood relations and the border has never acted as a barrier in their cross border movement. Pa ...

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Is It Really Indian Initiative??

By Ali Sukhanver Some words are sweet and some are bitter and some are sugar coated. Every word has its own taste and own flavour; If you feel any difficulty in understanding what are the ‘Sugar Coated’ words, just go through the following few lines. I have copied these lines from Face Book page of the Georgetown University. Under the title of Asian Studies, the details of an interview with Mr. Hussain Haqq ...

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Balochistan Security: Top Priority of Pakistan

By Zaheerul Hassan Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif on his return from KPK chaired a meeting ofcorps commanders at GHQ Rawalpindi on, 10th February, 2016. In this conference, the military leadership has reviewed the progress of operation Zarb-e-Azb and emphasized on the need of eliminating terrorism, requirement of giving special focus on return of Temporarily Displaced Persons (TDPs) to the ...

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