United Nations Day & Pakistan’s Peacekeeping Role

Sajjad Shaukat Each year, United Nations Day is celebrated on October 24. On this day in 1945, the United Nations (UN) came into force when the five permanent members of the Security Council ratified its charter This followed a declaration by the UN General Assembly in 1947 which designated 24th of October as United Nations Day, by proclaiming that the day would be instrumental in making people aware of the ...

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What Have We Done to Ourselves                     

By Brig® Mehboob Qadir At times it helps to recollect and reflect upon missed opportunities and things that could have been but failed to be. Not that it would matter anymore but that a catharsis could usefully take place instead. That is quite a few layers of dirt dusted off the looking glass. Jinnah strived hard for years almost single handedly to obtain constitutional guarantees from Congress for a secur ...

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اسلام کا مطلب ہی سلامتی ہے، سلامتی سب کے لیے

نغمہ حبیب اسلام امن اور بھائی چارے کا مذہب ہے۔ یہ دوسرے مذاہب سے تعلق رکھنے والوں کے ساتھ بھی نرمی اور امن سے رہنے کا سبق دیتا ہے یہ کسی بے ضرر انسان کو چھیڑنے کی اجازت نہیں دیتا۔ لیکن افسوس کا مقام ہے کہ جو مذہب تفرقے اقوام کے آیا تھا مٹا نے خود تفرقہ اُس دین میں اب آکے پڑا ہے یوں تو کسی بھی وقت کوئی بھی ایسی نا خوشگوار خبر آجاتی ہے کہ کہیں مسلمانوں کے دو فرقوں کا ٹکراؤ ہوا ہے لیکن محرم الحرام کے پہلے عشرے ...

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United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and Kashmir

By Tariq Rizwan Kashmir has once again become a flash point attracting world attention. It is a disputed territory, left over by the British Colonial Power and pending since 1947; when Indo - Pak Sub Continent was divided into two parts, India and Pakistan. Since then Kashmir is considered as the oldest unresolved international conflict in the world today. Pakistan considers Kashmir as its core political di ...

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Afghanistan at ebb of precipice

By Asif Haroon Raja The strategic import of Afghanistan can hardly be overstressed. The rising power, China, and reemerging power, Russia, energy and resource rich Central Asia and Middle East, and strategically located Pakistan surround Afghanistan. In real-politick terms, stability in Afghanistan and regional concord among all the countries surrounding it would contribute in the fast-paced development of ...

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Terrorism: India, Undermining Pak-Afghan Stability

By Sajjad Shaukat In the recent years, when the US-led NATO forces felt that they are failing in coping with the stiff resistance of the Taliban in Afghanistan, they started accusing Pak Army and country’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of supporting the Afghan Taliban. The high officials and media of their countries not only blamed Pakistan for cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan, but also presumed th ...

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اردو دفتروں میں استعمال ہوگی تو کیا فرق پڑے گا

محمد عبد الحمید سپیشل برانچ، پنجاب، کے طریقہ کار کے مطابق علاقائی دفتروں سے حالات اور واقعات کی رپورٹیں اردو میں آتی ہیں۔ صدر دفتر میں ان کا انگریزی میں خلاصہ تیار کیا جاتا ہے۔ انگریزی کی اصلاح کے لیئے ڈی۔ ایس۔ پی۔ اور ایس۔ پی۔ ہیں۔ چودھری سردار محمد، نے جب سپیشل برانچ، پنجاب، کے سربراہ تھے، طے کیا کہ ان کے دفتر سے جاری ہونے والی روزانہ رپورٹ اردو میں کی جائے۔ جب اردو اپنائی گئی تو انسپیکٹر بھی روزانہ رپورٹ ...

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Hiccups of War on Terror

By Asif Haroon Raja By the time PPP regime took over in March 2008 Fazlullah had created a state within state in Swat and adjoining districts. Former President Zardari and PM Gilani were forced to order a big operation in Swat in April 2009 after Fazlullah broke the peace deal signed two months earlier and his militants threatened Islamabad after capturing Dir and Buner. Operation Rah-e-Raast cleared Swat, ...

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