Why India Cancelled Talks with Pakistan?

By Sajjad Shaukat [caption id="attachment_2689" align="alignright" width="300"] Indina Poor Nuclear Security Danger to Globe[/caption] By using the pretext that Pakistan’s High Commissioner Abdul Basit held meetings with the Hurriyat leaders of Kashmir, Indian new government led by the fundamentalist party BJP’s leader and Prime Minister Narindra Modi called off peace talks, scheduled to be held in Islamaba ...

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Political storm is drooping

Dark clouds are swirling over the horizons of Pakistan owing to the tense political situation in Islamabad since August 14. Phenomenon of long march in Pakistan started from 1989 onwards. It fetched mixed results ranging from complete failure to partial success to complete success as it happened in July 1993 and March 2009. Tahirul Qadri (TuQ), head of Minhajul Quran and Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT) based in ...

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Lesson on the Independence Day

  By Sajjad Shaukat The Independence Day which is celebrated every year on August 14 has come at a time when Pakistan is facing multiple threats of serious nature internally and externally. These are not only worrying all the citizens, but are also creating division between the rulers and the opposition parties including rival politicians, taking the country towards anarchy. On the one side, the present gov ...

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Divide and rule policy

By Asif Haroon Raja  The British Empire during its prime days held sway over almost a quarter of the world. Large numbers of countries in Africa, Asia and Pacific were colonized. The largest empire in the history retained control over its colonies through its cunning policy of divide and rule. It played a key role in dismembering Ottoman Empire and ending system of Caliphate. Once the British Empire decline ...

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The Media Terrorism

By Ali  Sukhanver What happens when we start glorifying the things which don’t deserve even the slightest attention of us? What happens when we start giving importance to the events and incidents which must not be even note worthy? Nothing certainly nothing but this attitude of us simply distorts the face of facts and realities. It disturbs the whole of chronological protocol of the happenings. I still reme ...

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Pak-Saudi Govts Should Call OIC Meeting

By Zaheerul Hassan UNO and world over protests failed to convince Israeli to stop brutality in Gaza. Tonnage of bombs pounded in Gaza by Tel Aviv’s warplanes in more than 155 airstrikes on the blockaded strip till 27th day of aggression. So far, in airstrikes and ground actions Palestinian sources claimed 1,724 killed while 9, 080 others have been injured. 421 children and 205 women and 21 medical staff are ...

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From ISI to ISIL to IS

By  Asif Haroon Raja Despite world protests, the US led forces invaded Iraq in March 2003 on concocted charges that Iraq’s ruling regime was in possession of WMDs and was connected with al-Qaeda. The prime motivation to annex Iraq was oil, but the other compelling reason was Israeli security concern. Tel Aviv viewed Baathist Iraqi armed forces under Saddam Hussain as the biggest strategic challenge to its s ...

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Road Knows and Ford Knows

By: Sohail Parwaz It was the early 1980s, if I am not wrong. A young girl appeared on the road of a middle class colony of Karachi for going to college, and if I am not wrong, her name was Bushra Zaidi. Out of nowhere a public transport van emerged on the road and crushed Bushra. Other people who were waiting for the conveyance at the place found this accident so dreadful and tragic that they could not stan ...

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