DPC Peace Call to Avert Sectarian Violence

 By Sajjad Shaukat Sectarian violence continues in Pakistan in one form or the other. In this regard, Punjab President of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ), Maulana Shamsur Rehman Muaviya was shot dead by the two unidentified gunmen in Lahore on December 6, this year. A large number of workers of ASWJ staged sit-in protest and demonstrations across the country against his targeted killing. Particularly, in Laho ...

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Many a slip between cup and lip

Asif Haroon Raja The provisional/interim nuclear deal signed between Iran and P5 plus 1 in Geneva on November 24 has apparently defused the explosive situation in Middle East. It has been widely hailed as the triumph of diplomacy. President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Javed Zarif are being applauded for their pragmatism and for averting a catastrophic war in the making. High sounding names are being ...

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New Book: U.S. Congress on Sikh Struggle for Khalistan

WASHINGTON, D.C., December 6, 2013 – A new two-volumeset of books entitled U.S. Congress on the Sikh Struggle for Khalistan has recently been published that reprints statements from members of the U.S. Congress inthe Congressional Record exposingIndian oppression of the Sikhs and other minorities, and supporting Sikhfreedom in a sovereign, independent Khalistan.  The books contain statements published from1 ...

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Political Immaturity can Damage National Interest

By Zaheerul Hassan  During war on terror Pakistan paid heavy price in the shape of life losses and finances in addition to the sponsored militancy of hostile agencies   against the country and its security forces.  The security environment all over the country is still not conducive due to the involvement of covert hands. Since 9/11, more than 50000 individuals have been either killed or dislocated as resul ...

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Iran-US rancor melting into amity

[caption id="attachment_2915" align="alignright" width="389"] US threaten Attack on Iran[/caption] By Asif Haroon Raja In the aftermath of 2nd World War and start of super power rivalry in the form of cold war, the US saw Iran as a counterweight against Soviet expansionism and a source of stability in oil-rich Persian Gulf. CIA and MI-6 jointly engineered a coup in 1953 to oust elected PM Mohammad Mossadegh ...

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Transformation in Iran-US relationship

By Asif Haroon Raja Iran-US antagonism started peaking in the aftermath of Islamic revolution in Iran, followed by seizure of American Embassy in Tehran by student militants in November 1979 and holding 52 Americans hostage for next 444 days. An American rescue operation ended in a disaster, which further bolstered Khomeini’s image in Iran and Islamic world. Hostages were released as a result of secret agre ...

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Sikh Nation Demands Immediate Release of Bhai Gurbaksh Singh

Council of Khalistan Press Release ‘RECOGNIZE YE ALL THE HUMAN RACE AS ONE’ Guru Gobind  Singh  Ji, the Tenth  Master 730 24th Street, N.W., #310 Washington, D.C. 20037 Contact: B. Singh 202 337-1904 khalistan@khalistan.com http://www.Khalistan.com Release Instructions: Immediate, December 6 2013 Sikh Nation Demands Immediate Release of Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Right to Protest Is Essential to Democracy WASHINGT ...

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Iran-Pakistan-Afghanistan triangular connectivity

Asif Haroon Raja During the Reza Shah Pahlavi era in Iran from 1953 to March 1979, Iran-Pakistan relations were extraordinarily warm. Iran supported Kashmir cause, extended military support during 1965 Indo-Pak war and full diplomatic support in the 1971 war with India. Iran helped in quashing 1973 insurgency in Balochistan. After Shah’s departure, certain events like Islamic revolution in Iran, Jihad again ...

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