Pakistan faces phenomenal challenges

By Asif Haroon Raja When the Mujahideen defeated the super power and forced the Soviet forces  to withdraw from Afghanistan in 1989, Pakistan’s image had shot up very high because the miracle of the 20th century could not have been achieved without all out support of Pakistan to the Mujahideen. Pakistan’s stature once again rose dramatically after it carried out six nuclear tests in response to India’s five ...

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Civil-Military Cooperation

[caption id="attachment_3316" align="alignright" width="336"] 126 PMA Passing out Prade at Kakul[/caption] By Sajjad Shaukat It is regrettable that in the recent years, instead of appreciating Pak Army and Chief of the Army Staff Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayan, some pseudo-intellectuals, political entities and media anchors have been acting upon a negative campaign against military and its top leadership. By show ...

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The US scripted endgame has gone awry

Asif Haroon Raja After occupation of Afghanistan in November 2001 by US led western forces and Afghan Northern Alliance force, the US inspired constitution and democracy was pushed down the gullets of Afghans. Ground was prepared for elections and the US spent huge amounts in winning over the loyalties of warlords and to make the elections successful. The first presidential election was held in 2004 which e ...

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Talks’ engagement with TTP suits American withdrawal

Letter to Editor The US commitment of “cooperating in talks with TTP” is an indication of the CIA drone campaign suspension for understandable reasons. Yes suspension, not a complete halt because engaging the Pakistani Taliban in talks would help facilitate in providing the American containers a secure path to Karachi and Gwadar. Suspension in drone strikes can provide Islamabad a two way opportunity; to en ...

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Afghan Conflict – Has US Failed and Defeated?

By Abu Ezaan We these days often come across argument regarding US failure in Afghan conflict with some enthusiastic and overly sanguine commentators even proclaiming defeat of American hegemonic designs in the region.  The most convincing interpretation mention current US fiscal issues, military drawdown that is scheduled by December 2014, transition of security responsibilities to Afghan forces and emergi ...

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Balanced civil-military relations

 By  Mohammad Jamil Civil-military relations can be defined in terms of a balance between the civilian and military organization and institutions. Ideally, in an open society, military enjoys the professional autonomy while submitting itself to the political authority. In some developing countries earlier known as Third World countries, where executive showed disregard for the military, they became vulnerab ...

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Tense Afghan-US relations

Asif Haroon Raja Relations between Afghan and the US governments are far from friendly. Wall of distrust has come up because of Karzai’s filibustering and abrasiveness. After sabotaging Doha peace process in June this year, he is now in two minds whether to sign or not to sign Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with USA, which would authorize US-NATO to leave behind a residue force and to retain some milita ...

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Shining India is losing its shiny finish

By Asif Haroon Raja Shining India is losing its shiny finish and its rapidly surging economy has begun to plummet. The ruling Congress is roiled in mega corruption and sex scandals and so is the Indian military. Rape is in high fashion with New Delhi in the lead. Senior Army officers are involved in sex scandals and corruption. Besides frequent cases of rape, wife swapping and group sexes were reported by I ...

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