Critical Hour Needs True Leadership Qualities

 By Sajjad Shaukat At this critical hour, Pakistan has been facing multifaceted crises and threats of grave nature, which are not only worrying all the citizens but are also putting the very integration of the state at stake. In this regard, a series of unprovoked cross-border firings at the LoC in Kashmir by India in wake of war-like diplomacy, cross-border infiltration in Pakistan from Afghanistan’s side ...

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Peace talks with TTP in doldrums

 by Asif Haroon Raja The Army and paramilitary forces are fighting a guerrilla war against home based militants in the northwest since 2002 without a break. The militants are Islamists waging an ideological war to establish Islamic Caliphate. They neither believe in Pakistan’s constitution nor in democracy saying these are of western model and anti-Islamic. They had picked up arms against the state in react ...

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Sikhs’ Lawsuit against Sonia Gandhi

[caption id="attachment_3168" align="alignright" width="270"] Golden Temple - Indian Brutality 1984[/caption] By Sajjad Shaukat Pakistani media is so engaged with the coverage of internal issues and acts of terrorism that some important news are not highlighted. In this context, a lawsuit against Sonia Gandhi, President of ruling Congress Party of India regarding the genocide of the Sikhs in 1984 was ignore ...

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SEMINAR HELD ON 19TH SEPTEMBER, 2013, AT THE 24TH SESSION OF THE UN: HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 9-27TH SEPTEMBER, 2013 WAS HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL -DR AWATAR SINGH SEKHON RIGHTS OF MINORITIES, CHILDREN AND WOMAN IN SOUTH ASIA SPEAKERS: Usman Khalid, Alan Hart, Dr Abdul M Chowdhary (absent due to Medical grounds), Professor of Sikhism Gurtej Singh, Sardar K J Singh, Ms Irene P Hujon & Nitin Gan ...

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Shakeel Afridi, Aafia Siddiqui & national honour

By S. M. Hali Pakistan is facing numerous problems of a myriad nature. It is difficult to pinpoint, which is more ominous since the very existence of Pakistan is at stake. Attempts by different perpetrators to have Pakistan labeled as a terrorist state and have international sanctions imposed upon it is but one the few, which can have far reaching consequences.The discovery of Osama bin Laden (OBL)’s allege ...

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Pakistan: Remembering the Quaid

By By Mohammad Jamil The nation had mourned death of the Quaid on 11th September 1948, which was a premature death in the sense that he did not get time to translate his perception of state into action in the nascent state. The nation observes anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on this day, and special prayers are offered for the eternal peace of the great leader of subcontinent and founder of ...

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Ramifications of military adventurism in Syria

By Asif Haroon Raja Patrick J. Buchman, an American political commentator stated on March, 24, 2003, “There is a memo at the Pentagon that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off Iran.” George W. Bush also talked of axis of evil in which North Korea was the only non-Muslim country.   Joint Forces St ...

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National Security Policy : Some Suggestions

By Brig  (Retired)  Sher Shah This is apropos letter of Air Cdre ® Khayyam Durrani on some suggestions for national security policy, published in Dawn of August 30, where in he has suggested deputing intelligence agencies to formulate National Security Policy. With due respect, I differ to say that these agencies are equipped to provide input but formulation of national security policy is beyond their prowe ...

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