Ban on YouTube should continue

By Zaheerul Hassan The “YouTube ban” has become such a bone in the throats of certain Qadiani, Ahmadi, Atheist, Secular and other anti-Islam elements that they have made it their sole purpose to unblock it by using all available unsocial and illegal means. I want to straight out certain facts regarding the case, so here it goes. YouTube was blocked in September 2012 by Govt of Pakistan in the light of decis ...

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Leading Pak Media Group Silent over Arundhati 13 Questions

   By Zaheerul Hassan Recently, a former key Indian official Satish Verma of Home Minister disclosed that a member of the secret service team has accused that Indian governments staged terror attacks on Lok Sabha and the 26/11 carnage in Mumbai. It pushed me to republish my analysis after Verma’s exposed secrets of Indian state agencies. Therefore on 15 July, 2013 I reiterated my opinions in the newspaper, ...

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Much debated issue of strategic depth

Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan has been playing a constructive role in resolving internal feuds of Afghanistan since 1980s and has avoided the game of pitching one ethnic community against the other to serve its selfish interests. All the seven Mujahideen groups involved in Afghanistan Jihad against the Soviet forces had placed their trust in Islamabad. Nawaz Sharif during his first stint from 1990 to 1993 had a ...

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Hamid Karzai’s eccentric behavior

Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan has been continuously advocating peace talks with Taliban and insisting upon finding a political solution, but Kabul regime and Washington preferred brute force in Afghanistan. Pakistan was also advised to follow suit and pressured to launch another major operation in North Waziristan (NW) and eliminate safe havens of Haqqani network. Pakistan has all along helped Hamid Karzai regi ...

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People want to know

Asif Haroon Raja The new regime has been handed down a huge mess and is at a loss where to start from and which problem to tackle first. All macroeconomic indicators are in negative, national kitty is empty and foreign investment has dried up. It has inherited bankrupt economy, an unmanageable energy crisis, massive debt, lawlessness and fraught security situation. The new leaders are heard saying that they ...

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Joint War against Terrorism

  By Sajjad Shaukat Besides other aspects of the recently released report of Abbottabad Commission which was constituted to probe Abbottabad tragedy in which Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 2, 2011, the statement of the former Director General of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha is of particular attention. Lt. Gen. Shuja Pasha revealed that Gen. Pervez Musharraf had caved in s ...

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Pro-Pakistan Baloch militia pushed out BLA Militants from Mustung

Staff Reporter Mustung, Baluchistan, June 24: Locals witnessed heavy clashes between the two rival groups where the Baloch Musalah Defah Tanzeem(BMDT) a pro Pakistan militia led by Haibatan Mengal cleaned the district Mustung from Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and hoisted the national flag right in front of the 'Farrari camp' used by BLA militants,on Monday, signalling the wipe-out of militants from the ...

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Violence against Women has to be end

 By Zaheerul Hassan  Sajjad Akbar The violence is an act of aggression of a person against someone or by a group of persons against opponent cluster of persons. Sometimes, an individual perform the act of violence against oneself and reaches at that stage of antagonism where ultimately either lose senses or go for suicide. Beating, killing, teasing, assaulting and raping are common forms of violence in the ...

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