Hydra Headed Monster

Pakistan was created in the name of Islam, Pakistan’s leaders didn’t make it into an Islamic state in true sense because of battle between the seculars and Islamists. By Asif Haroon Raja While it is a fact that Pakistan was created in the name of Islam, Pakistan’s leaders didn’t make it into an Islamic state in true sense because of battle between the seculars and Islamists. For all practical purposes, Paki ...

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Balochistan News Letter – June 2013

This is a brief Talk of the Town Report compiled for those interested in Balochistan. Significant developments are listed hereunder. By Usman Khalid Brahamdagh Bugti in Geneva, Harbiar Marri in London and Akhter Mengel in Wadh (Baluchistan) implement the strategy of their sponsors orchestrated with finnese and underpinned by betrayal and duplicity Post Election Developments- Formation of New Government, 1- ...

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Terrorists’ Penetration into Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat During the Security Council’s debate on June 20, this year, Pakistan’s permanent Ambassador to the UN Masood Khan categorically rejected the accusations of Afghan Ambassador Zahir Tanin over existence of terrorists’ sanctuaries in Pakistan, from where terrorists are being sent to Afghanistan. Khan pointed out, “terrorists’ many attacks against Pakistan are planned on Afghan soil.” He furth ...

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Dealing with Complex Situation of Balochistan

 by Sajjad Shaukat Although endless wave of terror-attacks continues in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Karachi, yet deteriorating circumstances of Balochistan also need special attention, raising the question as to how deal with the complex situation of the province. Recent incidents of terrorism in Balochistan, which targeted Quaid-e-Azam residency in Ziarat, replacing Pakistan’s flag with that of Balochistan Libe ...

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Daunting challenges faced by security forces

Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan faces formidable array of challenges, both at external and internal fronts. Internal threats are as daunting and menacing as the external threat. So much so that for the first time in Pakistan’s history, it cannot be discerned with certainty which of the two threats is more dangerous? The Army Chief Gen Kayani has however plainly graded internal threat to the security and integrity ...

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Doha initiative renewed with mixed hopes

 By Asif Haroon Raja On assuming office in January 2009, Barack Obama shifted the US emphasis from Iraq to Afghanistan and within a year approved two troop surges to enable Gen McChrystal to wrest the initiative from Taliban and possibly defeat them. Increase in quantum of troops and launching a major operation in Helmand rather than weakening the Taliban further galvanized them to hit back more ferociously ...

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ولی الرحمان کی ہلاکت اور تحریک طالبان کے اندرونی انتشار

(ایس اکبر)          تحریک ِ طالبان جو پاکستان کو غیر مستحکم کرنے کے لیے ہر ظلم اور شیطانیت کی حد سے گزرجانے کے درپے  ہےاوراپنی ذاتی اور سیاسی مقاصد کی جنگ کو جہاد کا نام دے کر بہت سے معصوم نوجوانوں کو خودکش حملوں میں استعمال  کر رہی ہے۔ آج خود  اندرونی انتشار کا شکار ہو چکی ہے۔ گزشتہ دنوں  ڈرون حملے میں ہونے والی ولی الرحمان کی موت در اصل طالبان کے آپسی انتشار کا نتیجہ ہے۔ان کے ذاتی نظریات میں اختلاف اس حد ...

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دینی مدارس میں انتہا پسند عناصر اور ان کا تدارک

(ایس اکبر) وطن عزیز کے طول وعرض میں قائم دینی مدارس قرآن و حدیث کی تعلیم وتدریس میں اہم کردار ادا کر رہے ہیں اور یہ دینی ادارے اسلام کے امن و سلامتی کے پیغام کو فروغ دینے کا مرکز تصور کیے جاتے ہیں جن سے ہزاروں طلباء فیضیاب ہو کردینی خدمات سر انجام دے رہے ہیں ۔ افغانستان میں سویت یونین کے حملے کے بعد ان دینی مدارس میں سے  چند ایک میں افغان جہاد کے لیے جہادی تربیت کا سلسلہ شروع  کیا گیا اور جہادیوں نے اپنے ہم ...

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