Dastardly attacks in Quetta and Ziarat

Asif Haroon Raja After deposing Taliban regime and occupying Afghanistan, the US and its strategic partners embarked upon a covert war to disable Pakistan’s nuclear program but kept giving signals of friendship. Total freedom of action enjoyed by the US intelligence agencies and officials in Pakistan enabled the US to embroil Pak security forces in FATA and Balochistan, penetrate all the departments, establ ...

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Bangladesh model applied in Balochistan

Asif Haroon Raja Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had nurtured the dream of independent Bengal from early days. He and his henchmen got in touch with Indian intelligence agencies and during one of the meetings in Agartala in November 1963, finalized the plan to detach East Pakistan from rest of Pakistan. Under the garb of remedying political and economic grievances of East Pakistan, he formulated six points formula an ...

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We must not chase rainbows

By Asif Haroon Raja India is the largest country in South Asia and its leaders never tire of boasting that India is the super power of the region and a potential world power. It has disputes with all its neighbors because of which it doesn’t enjoy best of relations with any. Since India is past master in covert operations and propaganda war and habitually resorts to intrigues, economic coercion and blackmai ...

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Bollywood: Dark Side of Jia Khan Death

 By Rajeesh Six years after the beautiful ingenue burst into mainstream Indian cinema as a Hindi Lolita alongside Bollywood veteran Amitabh Bachhan, the Londoner was found dead in her Mumbai flat this week - a victim, apparently, of depression fuelled by thwarted ambition. In a country where women die cruel and preventable deaths every day, the demise of a glamorous "outsider" - allegedly by her own hand - ...

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Split in TTP on Negotiation Issue

By Zaheerul Hassan  As results of elections 2013, formulation of newly elected governments has almost been completed. Political and military leaderships under the constitution of Pakistan believe in peace process with Taliban. In this regard, PML (N) and PTI have promised in their election campaigns that both parties will carry out negotiations with local Taliban for establishing of peace. But ambitions of ...

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SOS Call from Minorities in India

Professor Ali Sukhanver The Muslim community in India constitutes about 13.4% of the total Indian population but the people belonging to this community are leading a miserable life even worse than the Dalits. The Muslims are the real Untouchables. Last year in July, a very renowned and esteemed news paper of India, The Hindu sent an investigative team of its reporters to different residential areas of the C ...

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Syrian regime is acceptable in masses

By Zaheerul Hassan U.S and her allies tried hard to remove Assad regime with the help of 10% rebels. They   not only terribly failed in to bring any change but also losing public support of the masses. Despite wholehearted efforts,  USSR , China and many other countries started condemning American supported in human actions against the public. Visible increase in support of Syrian President Bashar Assad has ...

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How to end State Terrorism against Maoists

 By Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana First step: The Indian State must have ‘will power’ to be welfare State in reality. The Indian State must know how to apply sanctions (unavoidable force) reasonably, so that, the hostile groups should realize that in case of conflict, “the individual(s) terrorism that has always an end and the State Terrorism that shall never ends.” After the departure of one home ...

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