What the Rationale of Long March?

   By Sajjad Shaukat At this crucial juncture, when general elections are very close, the announcement of long march by Dr Muhammad Tahirul Qadri, the chief of Tehrik-e-Minhaj-ul-Quran (TMQ) and Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT) to Islamabad on January 14, 2013 is quite irrational. In this regard, while addressing a massive public meeting at Minar-e-Pakistan on December 23, last year, Dr Qadri demanded postponeme ...

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Learning from the USA

Prpfessor Ali Sukhanver According to the New York Times, an ex-CIA officer Mr. John C. Kiriakou is scheduled to be sentenced to 30 months in prison as part of a plea deal in which he admitted violating the Intelligence Identities Protection Act by e-mailing the name of a covert C.I.A officer to a freelance reporter. The paper says Mr. Kiriakou, 48, earned numerous commendations in nearly 15 years at the C.I ...

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The Syria Endgame: Strategic Stage in the Pentagon’s Covert War on Iran

By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya January 08, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  Since the kindling of the conflict inside Syria in 2011, it was recognized, by friend and foe alike, that the events in that country were tied to a game plan that ultimately targets Iran, Syria’s number one ally. [1] De-linking Syria from Iran and unhinging the Resistance Bloc that Damascus and Tehran have formed has been one of the ...

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MQM- PAT marriage of convenience

Asif Haroon Raja The MQM averse to sitting on opposition benches has remained in power five times since 1985. Although the most dominant party in Karachi, its vote bank in Karachi never crossed the figure of 8 lacs but suddenly shot up to 25 lacs in 2008 elections. Consequently, its seats in Sindh and federal governments increased significantly. PPP-MQM alliance, although a marriage of convenience, has rema ...

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Building a New Democracy in Pakistan

Sherry Rehman In 2008, the people of Pakistan were successful in their struggle for democracy, even though we lost our leader, Benazir Bhutto, in the campaign against terrorism and extremism, as she bravely led the way to representative government. As I fielded the rush of global messages condoling her death, I will never forget that the highest number came from the U.S. Congress extolling her lifelong, cou ...

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Engineering Consent for an Attack On Syria

Lies, Damned Lies And UN Statistics By Moon Of Alabama January 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - They Make Up Numbers - At least 60,000 people have died in Syria's conflict, UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay says. How does Navi Pillay knows this? The UN does not have any presence in Syria. At least 60,000 people have died in Syria's conflict, UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay said on Wed ...

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Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw’s Lecture at Defence Services College , Wellington on Leadership & Dicipline

Posted By Zaheerul Hassan 11th NOVEMBER, 1998 Commandant, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am fully conscious of the privilege, which is mine, to have been invited here to address the college. A while ago, I was invited to a seminar where the subject was youth, and people said that the youth of this country was not pulling its weight, that society generally was not satisfied with how the young were functioning. When ...

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Israel Will Cease to Exist Within the Decade, Adviser to Egyptian President Predicts

Essam al-Erian says all those who occupied Palestine ‘will have to return to their homelands,’ including Egypt By Times of Israel staff January 01, 2013 "Times of Israel" -- A senior Egyptian official who also serves as an adviser to President Mohammed Morsi on Tuesday expressed the opinion that Israel would not be around in 10 years. The remark by Essam al-Erian, the deputy head of the Muslim Brotherhood’s ...

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