India will prefer covert operations over open war

 Asif Haroon Raja Making an assessment of the Pakistan’s obtaining internal and external environment, it will not be wrong to say that the situation is far more critical than what it had been in 1970-71. At that time it was only eastern wing which was in turmoil. Rebellious Mukti Bahinis were in league with India and Soviet Union was in backup support. But now Pakistan is up against Indo-US-Israel-UK-Afghan ...

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Pakistan Rejects US Pressure

  By Sajjad Shaukat By rejecting US growing pressure and defying the threat of sanctions, on March 11, this year, Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari inaugurated the much-delayed section of a $7.5 billion Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. President Ahmadinejad hailed that work on the pipeline project was going ahead despite US-led international sanctions a ...

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Kashmir: Garboil in J&K assembly over Afzal Guru’s body

By Zaheerul Hassan There was an uproar in the Jammu and Kashmir assembly Tuesday after the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) demanded that the mortal remains of Afzal Guru be brought back to the state and some angry members almost came to blows. Parliament attack convict Guru was hanged and buried in Delhi's Tihar Jail Feb 9. Union Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde Monday ruled out handing over his b ...

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NATO and Gulf States Conspiring to Drive the Middle East into Full-blown War

By Patrick Henningsen The evidence is now in, as list of state actors can now be seen openly conspiring to drive the Middle East into full-blown war. It’s well known by now that NATO and the Gulf States initial plans to overturn the sovereign state of Syria has been running behind schedule since their operation was launched two years ago. They had hoped for the sort of slam dunk which they enjoyed in overtu ...

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Pakistan’s sacrifices not recognized

By Asif Haroon Raja   The US-NATO-CIA-Afghan regime-India have been continually casting aspersions on the ISI that it is ‘intimately involved’ with the insurgency in Afghanistan and is secretly aiding Afghan Taliban. They allege that but for ISI’s support; the Taliban couldn’t have snatched the initiative from them and forced them to withdraw. Although the allegation is baseless and unsubstantiated, for arg ...

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Propaganda against Pakistan’s Ideology

 By Sajjad Shaukat Straightforwardly speaking, subversive activities arranged by the Indian secret agency, RAW in connivance with American CIA and Israeli Mossad inside Pakistan coincides with the propaganda launched by the US, some western countries and India. In this regard, high officials and media of these countries manipulate every terror attack to tarnish the image of Pakistan. For example, Pakistan’s ...

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Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline

By Alauddin Masood Finally, Pakistan and Iran have agreed to give a concrete shape to the $7.5 billion Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project with groundbreaking ceremony on March 11, this year. The presidents of both the countries will preside over the ceremony to be held at Gabd zero point on the Pakistan-Iran border. Pakistan and Iran commissioned, February 27th, 2013 a joint contracting company to begi ...

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Death of America: Leaked US Army Outlines Plan

A leaked U.S. Army document prepared for the Department of Defense contains shocking plans for “political activists” to be pacified by “PSYOP officers” into developing an “appreciation of U.S. policies” while detained in prison camps inside the United States.   The document, entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF) was originally released on a restricted basis to the DoD in February ...

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