Conspiracy against Gilgit-Baltistan

   By Sajjad Shaukat                                               With the assistance of anti-Pakistan powers, India which has already been supporting separatism in Balochistan has also accelerated conspiracy against the province of Gilgit-Baltistan by backing the minority nationalist elements which claim an independent Balawaristan there. These external entities are also behind target killings and sectari ...

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Misunderstanding between Pakistan and Bangladesh

Professor Ali Sukhanver Recently a Bangladeshi judicial tribunal sentenced life imprisonment to Abdul Qader Mullah, a leader of Jamat-e-Islami, for his role during the independence war against Pakistan in 1971. According to the media reports, somewhere in 2010, the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina initiated the process of trying those accused of committing crimes against humanity during the war, u ...

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US Officials Confession of Targeting Iran’s Civilian Population

By Franklin Lamb Tehran -- Azadeh, a graduate law student from Tehran University, on the sidelines of Iran’s Third Annual Hollywoodism (www.hollywoodism.orghttp) reminded her interlocutors, of the obvious damming admissions last week by two US politicians: “It would be a defense lawyer’s worst nightmare wouldn’t it? I mean to have one's clients, in this case the Vice-President of the United States and the o ...

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Kargil: No end to lies?

Ali Ashraf Khan The Kargil episode that in 1999 involved India and Pakistan in another military adventure and ended with the humiliation of Pakistan has since then boggled the minds of not only Indians and Pakistanis but of people interested in Indo-Pak relations and world politics all over the world as to what was the actual purpose of that adventure that cost the lives of hundreds of soldiers on both side ...

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How to Encounter Terrorism?

By Sajjad Shaukat Despite the fact that Pakistan’s law-enforcing agencies and intelligence outfits have thwarted many terror attempts of the militants through pre-arrests, discovery of weapons and huge explosive material, suicide jackets etc., but terrorists keeps on targeting the installations of security forces, intelligence agencies and police including government buildings through bomb blasts, suicide a ...

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The Competitive Communalism in India!

 by Balbir Singh Sooch Was and or is always the ‘Competitive Communalism in India,’ the stage managed drama of government of India with the understanding of ‘ the reserved communal non-State actors’ to polarize the Indian society on political, social, economic, caste, cultural etc lines before every, and especially before the major election(s) in India as usual was the practice and accordingly electoral seg ...

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Situation is far more critical than in 1971

Asif Haroon Raja In the 1965 Indo-Pak War, Indian military overwhelmingly superior in men and equipment wanted to crush Pakistan but failed because of the stubborn resilience of the Pak military and unity of Pakistani nation and over cautiousness of Indian forces. Their cautious approach in Lahore and Sialkot sectors helped the Pak forces in wresting the initiative. India therefore changed its strategy and ...

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Official Confession of ‘Hindu Terrorism’

By Sajjad Shaukat A deliberate propaganda campaign keeps on going by the US, some western countries, Israel and India regarding ‘Talibanisation’ of Pakistan under the pretext of perennial subversive acts like suicide attacks, bomb blasts, targeted killings and sectarian violence which secret agencies like American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad have been arranging in the country through their affiliated ...

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