Analysis: London Attacks, The Epicenter of Terrorism Detected

By Sajjad Shaukat At least five people were killed and approximately 40 were injured, including policemen in simultaneous terror attacks in London on Wednesday (March 22, 2017). According to the BBC, “The attacker, whose identity police believe they know, stabbed the unarmed officer before being shot dead. After the car crashed into the railings of the Houses of Parliament, a man armed with a knife continue ...

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Countering resurrection of terrorism

By Asif Haroon Raja Terrorism was stoked in Afghanistan in October 2001 under a well-thought out plan chalked out by Indo-US-Israel-UK alliance. The plan envisaged ousting Taliban regime with the help of Pakistan and eliminating Al-Qaeda so that Afghan soil could be used for launching covert operations against targeted regional countries. The US installed puppet regime of Hamid Karzai followed by Ashraf Gha ...

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ستتر سال۔۔۔متاع کارواں لُٹتا رہا اور احساس زیاں مٹتا رہا

نغمہ حبیب سفرطویل بھی تھا،مشکل بھی،صبر آزما بھی اور کٹھن بھی لیکن اتنا ہی ارادہ بھی مضبوط تھا،رہنما بھی پُر عزم اور کارواں بھی ثابت قدم اور اسی لیے کامیابی نے سب کے قدم چومے۔سفر تو بہت پہلے سے شروع ہو چکا تھا مطالبہ بھی واضح تھا لیکن نہ منزل کا تعین تھا نہ راستے کا تاہم فیصلہ ہو چکا تھا کہ اپنی شناخت حاصل کرنی ہے۔ ہر ایک اپنے اپنے طریقے اور اپنی اپنی قوت کو لے کر دشمن سے بر سر پیکار تھا لیکن ان سب کی یکجائی ...

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Exploding  Myths about 1971 – Part 1: The 3 Million Massacred Delusion

by Dr. Junaid Ahmad Let us think for a few moments about the implications of believing in a massacre of 3 million Bengali Muslims at the hands of the Pakistani armed forces in 1971. Is such a massacre even possible, or conscionable – to believe that the Pakistan armed forces were capable of perpetrating, on their own country folk, a genocide so heinous that it would put Leopold II at shame and draw cheers f ...

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Pakistan Day Demands National Unity

By Sajjad Shaukat Although the Pakistan day is being celebrated every year on March 23, yet this time, this very day has come at a time when Pakistan stands at the crossroads of its destiny, facing internal and external challenges and threats to the national security of the country, which demands selfless national unity among all the segments of society. The 23rd of March 1940 was a watershed in the history ...

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The Muslims’ Downfall: A Review (Part-5)

By Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The non-existent ummah! The Muslims as an ummah is now non-existent. They exist only as some national, racial or linguistic identities, not as ummah. A human body can’t survive with its truncated skeleton. Likewise, the body of the ummah can’t survive with divisive maps, flags, walls and borders. This is why, causing division among Muslims is haram (forbidden) in Islam; it is the ...

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دریائے کابل کا پانی

نغمہ حبیب پاکستان اورافغانستان دوبردار اور ہمسایہ اسلامی ممالک ہیں یہاں کے عوام کے درمیان صدیوں کے رابطے اور رشتے موجود ہیں اور بسااوقات تو یہاں رسوم ورواج بھی ایک جیسے ہی ہیں دونوں طرف زبان ایک ہونے کی وجہ سے آپس کے رابطے بہت آسان ہیں جس کے فائدے بھی ہیں اورنقصانات بھی، جن میں سب سے بڑا نقصان افغانستان کے لیے ،بڑی آسانی سے دہشت گردوں کو سرحد پار کرانا اور ان سے دہشت گردکاروائیاں کرادیناہے اور بدقسمتی یہ ہے ...

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Refocus on India’s Water Terrorism on the Water Day

By Sajjad Shaukat Every year, World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 on global level, focusing attention on the water crisis as well as the solutions to address it. An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating March 22, 1993 as the first World Water Day. Each ...

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