Who’s Vested Interest in DHA & ETPB Issue

By Zaheerul Hassan  Real estate business in a very short span of time dominated other businesses that created interest of multiplication of wealth amongst all segments of the society starting from individual to the institutions. DHA is one of the institutions that really brought revolution in real estate business through protecting the rights of the allottees and providing quality life to its members. As a ...

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The Desperate Housewives’ Club in DHA

By Shaista Zulfiqar While the ladies of the Wisteria Lane get together, gossip and catch up on who’s been doing what, our Desperate Housewives’ Club in DHA has a slightly more pompous agenda. A typical get-together of desi housewives’ meeting starts with sending out invitations, both in person and over phone. A meeting, in almost all cases, is either a khatm, milaad or something along the same lines and is ...

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