Where is Mullah Omar?

[caption id="attachment_2765" align="alignright" width="224"] Mullah Omer[/caption] Letter to Editor As the UnitedStates has issued a warning to its citizens travelling to Pakistan in the wakeof possible terror threats in the country, the top American general, JohnAllen, who is commander of the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, said in anarticle published on Tuesday that the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, wa ...

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Fictitious Story against Gen. Kayani

  [caption id="attachment_2756" align="alignright" width="254"] COAS -Pakistan Army[/caption]           By Sajjad Shaukat An article by Khaled Ahmed under the caption, “General Kayani’s War”, published in The Express Tribune on August 26, 2012 is no more than a fictitious story against Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. While showing illogical approach, the writer has tried to ...

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U.S. Troops Face Administrative Punishments Over Koran Burning & Urination

Posted By Zaheerul Hassan  The U.S. military said on Monday it was disciplining U.S. troops over two incidents that provoked outrage in Afghanistan early this year, one involving a video depicting Marines urinating on corpses and another over burned copies of the Koran. The military said the punishments were administrative, which could include actions such as a reprimand, reduction in rank or forfeiture of ...

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Isaac near hurricane force off U.S. Gulf Coast

By Scott Malone and Kathy Finn NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Isaac was near hurricane force as it bore down on the U.S. Gulf Coast on Tuesday and was expected to make landfall in the New Orleans area seven years after it was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Isaac's swirling winds, rain and storm surge could pose a major test of New Orleans' new flood control systems and reinforced levees. Forecasts ...

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The Arab Revolts: Impact on Central Asia

 By James M. Dorsey [caption id="attachment_2714" align="alignright" width="169"] Tarir Square Egypt[/caption] Synopsis The rise of Islamist forces in the complicated post-revolt transition in the Middle East and North Africa may have an impact on post-Soviet states in Central Asia, that are still struggling with transition to democracy or have yet to experience popular revolts. Commentary Two years ago, th ...

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India: Double Speak on Nuclear Disarmament

PR Chari [caption id="attachment_2710" align="alignright" width="240"] Indian Nuclear Plants[/caption] Visiting Professor, IPCS email: ruhee.neog@ipcs.org Call it unintended irony. But India’s Foreign Minister and National Security Adviser using a forum to discuss the resurrected Rajiv Gandhi Action Plan and the Holy Grail of nuclear disarmament to emphasise India’s devotion to nuclear deterrence is surely ...

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Security of Pak-India’s ‘Nukes’

[caption id="attachment_2689" align="alignright" width="219"] Indina Poor Nuclear Security Danger to Globe[/caption]               By Sajjad Shaukat Overtly, US high officials state that they seek stability in Pakistan, but covertly, they continue to destabilise this country through multi-faceted subversive activities of the American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad. With the assistance of these secret ag ...

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Tensed South Asian Geo-political Environments & Pakistan

Asif  Haroon Raja                                                     [caption id="attachment_2670" align="alignright" width="218"] South Asia Conflict Map[/caption] India has been principally responsible for disturbing the peace in South Asia because of its habit of meddling into the internal affairs of its smaller and militarily and economically weak neighbors. Her burning desire to become the unchallenge ...

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