Russia Rapidly Restored Balance of Power

By Sajjad Shaukat Renowned scholars of international relations, Lord Castlereagh, Quincy Wright, Hans J. Morgenthau and Kenneth Waltz agree by remarking, “Checking the unusual dominance and hegemony of the world by a single power is very essential for the survival of other states which live in anarchic situation where there is no international agency to impose international law and to provide security…the c ...

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Regional Dynamics and Strategic Concerns in South Asia

By Sajjad Shaukat The two-day international conference ‘Regional Dynamics and Strategic Concerns in South Asia’ organized by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) in association with the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) held at Islamabad, Pakistan on November 14-15, this year. The speakers, who included former ambassadors, intellectuals and analysts, including Pakistan’s Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff ...

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Indian nuclear buildup

By Asif Haroon Raja India under Modi No Indian leader has reconciled with the existence of Pakistan. Unresolved Kashmir dispute has kept the two neighbors at loggerheads. The animus between the two archrivals spiraled when Narendar Modi took over power in India in June 2014. He has all along pursued a highly truculent and bullying policy and has missed no opportunity to express his hostility against Pakista ...

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Zionist Agenda to Denuclearize Pakistan

By Sajjad Shauka Despite the repeated assurances of Pakistan’s military and civil leadership that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are well-protected and are under tight security arrangements, having well-coordinated command and control system, a deliberate propaganda campaign against the safety of these weapons keeps on going particularly by the US, India and some Western countries who are acting upon the Zionis ...

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Will India resort to war with Pakistan?

By Asif Haroon Raja In the wake of constantly deteriorating security situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) owing to heightened turbulence, exasperated and outraged Indian political and military leadership and Indian public are getting restless. 750,000 Indian security forces have been unable to quell the wave of protests that spiraled after the martyrdom of Burhan Wani in July 2016. The girl students i ...

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Pak-China Project of the CPEC Infuriates the US-led Powers

By Sajjad Shaukat When during the Musharraf regime, with the Chinese assistance, Pakistan initiated the construction of Gwadar deep-seaport in the Balochistan province in March 2002; sirens went off in the capitals of foreign countries, especially the US, India and Israel who took it as a threat to their global and regional plans. Balochistan’s ideal strategic location, its abundant mineral resources like g ...

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Refocus on Jammu Martyrs Day

By Sajjad Shaukat This time Jammu Martyrs Day has come at time when the people of Kashmir have accelerated their legitimate struggle in the aftermath of the martyrdom of the young Kashmir leader Burhan Wani by the Indian security forces in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) in wake of continued sieges, prolonged curfews, arrests and detentions of the Kashmiri leaders. Since July 8, 2016, Indian forces have m ...

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Trump on The Wrong Side of History

By General Mirza Aslam Beg Former COAS, Pakistan Army Email: American Secretary of States’ hop-over visit’ to Pakistan, on his way to India, was a crude diplomatic gesture of brow-beating Pakistan. He handed over the demand note, as confirmed by a senior US diplomat – Alice Wells: “US wants to see practical steps from Pakistan, over the next few weeks, and not months, to use its in ...

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