Kashmir: An Inconvenient Truth

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai Kashmir is internationally recognized as a disputed territory whose final status is yet to be determined by the people. Both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons and have fought three wars during the past half-century. This is a matter that urgently needs to be put on a road to find a just and viable solution. The heart of the matter is that Kashmir is an occupied country. Its sove ...

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India’s Bloodless War against Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat Although India has been targeting the civilians and military personnel near the border of Pakistani side of Azad Kashmir by continuously violating the Line of Control, yet India has, also, been waging the bloodless war against Pakistan by stopping the water-flow of rivers to Pakistan. Unlike the past wars, being fought through the traditional armies with tanks and machine guns, the arena o ...

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China Will Remain A Threat To India By Vice Chief of Army Staff Lt. Gen. Sarath Chand

An Analysis and Conclusion By: Balbir Singh Sooch The standoff has happened in the southernmost part of Tibet. — AFP The Vice Chief of Army Staff Lt. Gen. Sarath Chand deserves appreciation for bold clarification and comparatively to bring the truth on surface about the military strength of India and China and the after affects in case of war or no war between India and China as the India-China military sta ...

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India’s Endeavour to Alienate Nepal from China

By Sajjad Shaukat By manipulating the double game of the US, India is acting upon secret diplomacy in the region. In the pretext of presumed threat of China, New Delhi has also been trying to establish her hegemony in South Asia. In fact, fast growing economic power of China coupled with her rising strategic relationship with the Third World has irked the eyes of Americans, Israelis, some Western countries ...

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Seminar: Can Kashmir Conflict be resolved without using Militarily

Posted By Zaheerul Hassan as reported by one of my friend Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai As reported in Chicago on July 8, 2017,  a talk was held in which many scholars participated to find out the resolution of Indian occupied Kashmir that is one of the burning issue between two nuclear neighbouring states. “Kashmir is a large, resourceful, cultured and multicultural nation. It needs no Indian interference. It fulfil ...

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Rift between Indian Army and BSF on LoC

By Sajjad Shaukat Since the false flag terror attacks at a military base in Uri, situated in the Indian Occupied Kashmir, the BJP-led Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has intensified war-hysteria against Pakistan. After deployment of heavy arms and weapons on the Line of Control (LoC), Indian forces have increased troops and continued shelling in Pakistani side of Kashmir. And Pakistani troops are giving ...

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How a young woman saved our nuclear plan

By Rauf Klasra ​​(Note: The superpower mentioned in the story was the US and the intelligence agency was CIA) I As the nation celebrates the eleventh anniversary of Pakistan’s nuclear tests today (May 28), a shocking 30-year-old secret  has been exposed. It reveals how a young woman college lecturer, feeling betrayed after a romance with a nuclear scientist of the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP), had g ...

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Is the US on the verge of divorcing Pakistan?

BY YASMEEN AFTAB ALI Giving alms has convinced the US that Pakistan must be at her beck and call like a tea-boy “USA looking towards increasing boots on ground clearly spells out that Taliban are strong in Afghanistan. Additional US forces will not deliver negotiated peace.” A series of related developments are taking place in the arena of global alliances. First: two US lawmakers, Congressman Ted Poe and C ...

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